Unlocking KJV Correlations Series: Book of Jasher (Deep Dive) Ethics & Seasonings: (Chapters 49-51)

1 month ago

This session covers chapters 49-51. Preface: CHAPTER 49--Pharaoh Assembles all the Great Men of the Kingdom, and desires to appoint Joseph to Govern Egypt. They Object because he cannot speak all the Seventy Languages of the Earth. An Angel visits Joseph and teaches him all the Languages of the Earth. When brought before the King, Joseph's Wisdom and Knowledge please Pharaoh and all the Princes of Egypt, and he is appointed the Second to the King, and all authority is given him. Joseph is made Wealthy and clothed in Princely apparel and proclaimed Governor of Egypt. Is given the Daughter of Potiphar for a Wife. CHAPTER 50--Joseph goes to help the Ishmaelites against their Enemies. Great Plenty prevails in Egypt as Joseph predicted. Joseph's Two Sons, Manasseh and Ephraim. Joseph stores up Food throughout Egypt. That stored by the Egyptians is spoiled. The Famine prevails over all the Land and Joseph sells corn to all the Egyptians and the surrounding Nations. Knowing that his Brethren will have to come to Egypt for Corn, he arranges to meet them when they come. CHAPTER 51--Jacob sends his Ten Oldest Sons to Egypt for Food. Tells them not to enter in at one gate but to go in Separately. On the way they Covenant together to seek for Joseph, and if they cannot ransom him they resolve to take him by force. They enter in at ten gates, and spread themselves to seek for Joseph three days. Joseph, in the meantime, has his men Seeking them. When found they are brought before Joseph who accuses them of being Spies. Joseph sends his Brethren home with corn, while Simeon is kept as a hostage till they shall again come to Egypt
with their Younger Brother. They are astonished to find their Money in their sacks of corn.

Pillars & Strategies is unlocking correlations for reflection, revelation and revolution through reading & open discussion of the Book of Jasher. This is a 12-week deep dive, covering 3 chapters twice a week (Tuesdays & Saturdays) to cover 91 chapters over the course of the reading plan and is an open discussion forum as we read together. Book of Jasher is available free on our website under the "Lost Books" tab at pillarsandstrategies.net. The purpose of the course is to Unlock Correlations for Reflection and Revelation to spark Revolution.

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