Unlocking KJV Correlations Series: Book of Jasher (Deep Dive) Ethics & Seasonings: (Chapters 46-48)

1 month ago

This session covers chapters 46-48. Preface: CHAPTER 46--Joseph Interprets the Dreams of his Fellow-Prisoners. CHAPTER 47--Isaac Blesses his two Sons and Dies. His Property is Divided. Esau takes all the personal Property and Jacob chooses the Inheritance of the Land of Canaan, with the Cave of Machpelah for a Burying Place. CHAPTER 48--Pharaoh's Dreams. Not Receiving a Satisfactory Interpretation from the Magicians, he orders the Wise Men to be Slain. The King's Butler makes Joseph's Gifts known to Pharaoh. Joseph is Brought before the King, who Relates his Dreams to him. Joseph, by the Gift of God, Interprets them. A great Famine Predicted.

Pillars & Strategies is unlocking correlations for reflection, revelation and revolution through reading & open discussion of the Book of Jasher. This is a 12-week deep dive, covering 3 chapters twice a week (Tuesdays & Saturdays) to cover 91 chapters over the course of the reading plan and is an open discussion forum as we read together. Book of Jasher is available free on our website under the "Lost Books" tab at pillarsandstrategies.net. The purpose of the course is to Unlock Correlations for Reflection and Revelation to spark Revolution.

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