just talking shit on my hill

1 month ago

Up on my Hill technically not talking to myself but let's be honest..... I do make some interesting points though don't I if anyone is actually listening

Just keep listening to your GP they will look after you it's not like they didn't research all their own information & didn't just regurgitate from a book who supplies the funding for the medical studies & then gets written into the books it is pure evil not saying all doctors take the advice of your GP as advice because you also have all the information just stop being lazy read, find the answers of your questions by all means get diagnosed and then find very very smart people most likely with phds on the cutting edge of medical science listen to them & then find out where they get their funding from and use your brain or take your pills shut up & do it you told that's what a good citizen does, with your bag of chips and a beer in your hand and keep sucking on that vape & when you get sad just take those pills they will make you feel better & we can't forget continue to segregate to society disconnect from everyone because your right & are wrong and vice versa also bring back racism because the whites that everything didn't they even the ones a life today they put the ones back then & slavery didn't they.... it's all a scam of divide & conquer mass media lies & follow the rules or nuts & then if you're really loud enough you will be muzzled by the System of oppression.

But what would I know I never finished high school

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