Adam Schiff Rushes To MSNBC To Save Face After Getting WORKED By Pam Bondi, Makes Things Worse

1 month ago

Posted • January 16, 2025: As everyone knows, Pam Bondi destroyed Adam Shiff. Nuked him. Wrecked him. Dismantled him. Ruined. Demolished. Smashed. Wasted. Vaporized. Pulverized. Annihilated. -- She destroyed him. Over and over again, so it's no surprise he ran to MSNBC to pretend he wasn't owned over and over and over again by Bondi. -- Adam Schiff @SenAdamSchiff: “The cardinal rule of these confirmation hearings: Do not say anything to upset Donald Trump.” -- Seriously, this guy is SUCH a liar. California, we get it, you're blue but this guy is just trash … c'mon, if you must elect Democrats at least pick ones that aren't the poster child for corruption like this watermelon head. I hope Pam Bondi locks you up first. Lie under oath, go to jail. Schiff did seem a bit ... nervous, especially while he was babbling about Liz Cheney. Bro, we all know you're not worried about Liz, you're worried about yourself. Lawyer up, liar. (…)

• More at: Twitchy - Adam Schiff Rushes to MSNBC to Save FACE After Getting WORKED By Pam Bondi, Makes Things WORSE
Rumble: Pam Bondi Was Talking About Sleeper Cells From China - LOL

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