Cutting Through the California Wildfire Deception: The Real Problem and What Needs to Be Done Now

1 month ago

In this episode, Craig and Shelly revisit the California fires, the deception on how it happened, the devastation, and what needs to happen now.

Since their last podcast, Craig and Shelly have spoken with friends and acquaintances who live in the areas of the fires.

You will hear:
• The politicians’ and media deception on what’s happening
• How churches and nonprofits are now feeding and housing thousands who lost everything
• Why homes in the area that did not burn down are still impacted in horrible ways that will take a long time to recover from
• How elected officials have failed in readiness for disasters
• Ways the fires are helping to expose politicians who Californians have blindly supported for years
• How people in California have lost faith in socialist leaders

Craig and Shelly believe there needs to be a time of prayer and repentance. And drastic changes are needed in the state

They discuss:
• How there needs to be fervent prayer for rain to bring an immediate relief
• Why Jesus offers peace to a world that is crying out for safety
• And much more

The episode contains information you won’t hear about in the biased media.

Plus, Craig and Shelly identify ministries in California that are helping people right now as they deal with the devastation and how you can help if you can.

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