Prepare and Pray For What is Coming

13 days ago

Prepare and Pray For What is Coming

January 15th, 2025

My precious family, may the Lord give you peace and confidence in His provision in these uncertain times. No matter what is coming, the Lord is never uncertain. He has a plan for His faithful servants. We do need to tighten our belts to make room for His gifts, because Jesus is calling His bride to rise up and take the new glory and powerful mantles seriously, resulting in more of God's agenda, less of our old self-serving habits and the world-inspired goals. We are called to rise to greater levels of faithfulness, circumcising our own flesh as we are moving towards the purification of earth and the thousand-year reign of Christ.

We will find ourselves in situations where we must choose between the support of man versus the support of God and His will for us. There is no easy way to do this. We must all rise up with our hearts focused on lost souls who are headed to hell, not on our next cup of coffee. Guilty is charged. We are used to putting our own needs first, but what if there is only one piece of bread left and a little child beside me hasn't eaten that day. Do we love the Lord enough to give that last piece of bread away to a hungry child, or even a helpless man lying in the gutter, dying? A suffering man made in the image of our beloved Jesus? Or do we would probably hide it. Yes, I am that human, and in the past, I've been self-preserving and carnal. Just ask the community about how I ripen my pairs. But in that moment, if I call upon the strength of God to do the right thing, and then obey what I'm told, I am His bride. I us did what my heavenly spouse would do, as it is written. “Though he was in the form of God, he did not count equality with God, a thing to be grasped, but emptied himself by taking the form of a servant born in the likeness of men. And being found in human form, He humbled himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross, ”Philippians 2:6-11.

The bottom line here, my precious heart dwellers, the bride must resemble the groom. Will we remain faithful to him, no matter what the cost. This is how He is going to purify us. The rubber meets the road at the point where your security is threatened. When you stand to lose your life, a family member, your home, will you draw the line, or will you cooperate with what God is doing and keep moving towards heaven. How will you answer the challenges? What is most dear to you?

My precious ones don't wait for that moment to catch you unprepared. We must prepare our hearts now. So, then when things like that happen, we will not hesitate. We will do the right thing. Okay, I do want to clarify what I said about the rapture in possibly in four years in an earlier message. However, resting in the heart of God, we do hear His voice and sense His greatest needs from His bride. He loves us so very dearly and wants to wrap up this dysfunctional planet, but not without every soul he can bring back to his bosom.

My dear ones, we have been complacent and lazy, hoping the rapture would save us. But the truth is that we need to belong to Jesus all the way, not one foot in and one foot out. Well, I trust the Lord, but just in case. That kind of way. If we are finding our security in the world systems, we are compromised. Jesus gave up everything for us. How much more should we give Him? When I said the rapture may happen in four years, that was not directly from the Lord. It came from President Trump speaking with one of our core members in a dream. He said basically, "All hell would break loose after his last term in office. Will the Father allow the bride to suffer through this? Or will he rescue us? We can look at our garments. Are they spotted? Do they have wrinkles? Are they blemished? I believe that all depends on our obedience and self-sacrifice. You cannot obey a God who doesn't know you and whom you cannot hear or recognize. It could be recognizing scripture that is anointed for you by prayerfully allowing the Holy Spirit to open the Bible. We read between the lines, listening for his still small voice, to apply what we are reading to our present-day challenges. And that can be found on

It could be a bumper sticker, a song, the needs of a family, or a whisper in your heart that quickens you to seek God and obey Him. And that's why we have the rhema cards and we've taught you to make your own rhema cards. In Matthew 22, "On that day many will say to me, Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and cast out demons in your name, and do many mighty works in your name? And then will I declare to them, I never knew you, depart from me, you workers of lawlessness." Matthew 7:23.

Who are the workers of lawlessness, I'm going to do a message on that, but for now, in all truth, they are the ones who hinder the Holy Spirit working through His body. They are the ones who gossip and reject the emerging move of the Holy Spirit through the body of Christ. They are the ones who negate God's miracles, allowing others to suffer rather than compromise their theology. Just like the Pharisees, they bear no resemblance at all to the bride. I know many of you suffer from illnesses that are discouraged by the delay. However, the Lord has a mandate for you. Bring in the end-time harvest using your suffering as a fast offering as you pray for conversions. The other night Ezekiel was told by the Lord that he is bringing in millions to the harvest right now just by offering his pain, blindness, and confinement to bed while praying for President Trump, America and the world. My dear ones, you have powerful offerings in your sick bed. Yes, you can pray for healing, but if you're carrying a heavy cross that the Lord has allowed and you want to cooperate with it, you've already made the choice to offer it and God will reward you now and, in the world, to come.

There's no regret with Ezekiel, what he experiences in his deepening relationship with Jesus and the Father is worth far more than being able to see or walk or be free of pain. We are not just qualified from the harvest. No, we have big combines and harvesting machines at our service. “Pray therefore that the Lord of the Harvest that he will send forth labors into his harvest.” Matthew 9. I am just like the weakest among you. I'll be 80 next year with chronic fibromyalgia and other aches and pains so common to our bodies. So I'm with you in the need to rise above my many difficulties. But somehow, the Lord with His grace keeps me going forward. I have wasted much time on myself in my younger years, so I have a lot to do in these remaining years of my life. Let us not be selfish to our last breath but give Him everything we can in gratitude for His sacrifice. If you are faithful in the end, you will be shocked by the fruit you bore in your last days.

I am reminded of the homeless man Jesse Duplantis saw in the vision. Later on when Jesse was taken to heaven, he saw that same man sitting on a throne directing people. He chose to freeze to death covering a homeless man rather than to save himself and abandon the man to death. He is truly a bride. The point I am making is that hard times must come upon us to be refined by the fire. “Choose ye this day who you will serve."Joshua 20, 14.

When that refining process has done its job and we are walking in the fullness of who God calls us to be, I believe then Father God will send Jesus to get his bride. so please don't even think about the rapture. Prepare yourself to be His bride by casting away your worldly ways and making room by repentance, prayer, and fasting every day. And you can offer something little every day in a fast. Or you can just fast, we go with the Wednesdays and Friday. So, please don't even think about the rapture. Prepare yourself to be His bride by casting away your worldly waves and making room by repentance, prayer, and fasting. Ask Jesus to repair the cracks in your vessel so it will hold the new glory, a new wine so you can move and live in the spirit realm, loving Jesus and your brother with all your hearts, speaking miracles of healing and regeneration over them, and singing results. “Therefore, I urge you brothers and sisters in view of God's mercy to offer your bodies as a living purifies, holy and pleasing to God. This is your true and proper worship. Do not conform to the pattern of this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.” Romans12.

This has not been a popular teaching in the body of Christ as of late. Rather, security and influence, healing, have led us into compromise and the status quo, snuffing out mature Christian men and women in favor of comfort and security. Heaven is on the horizon. Trust Him and sing joyous songs to Him, especially in the most challenging moments. and always call upon angels to assist you in your work, especially angels of accomplishment. Lord Jesus, is there something you would like to add?

“You have indeed spoken the words in my heart. I love each one of you so tenderly that my heart bursts when I think of your homecoming. I am for you, My bride. These words from Revelation spoken so very long ago were in recognition of what Satan will do in order to gain control of the world, which will be allowed to punish evildoers and bring to repentance those who have not known me. My words to you are that you have known right from wrong. You have fought the great fight, but you have also been asleep to the times you are living in. Your prayers, mighty, powerful, and from the heart, have reached heaven and given everyone the chance to live the way they know they should be living in the end times. Mother Clare has recognized her own failures and the sincere need to rise above her flesh.”

Yeah, and there I have to say, it's true, family. I'm crying out to the Lord, "Lord, please take me out of me, please. Take me out of me."

Jesus continued, "So, please take this message deeply into your hearts and conform yourself in preparation for what is coming. Knowing that I am with you in all circumstances, standing by the help, call upon me in moments of temptation, and call upon the angels specifically named for the crisis of the moment. What a wonderful reward I have for you. It is greater and more personal than you can ever imagine.”

Stay tuned, because the next message I'll be putting up is how to enlist your angels to protect your time.

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