Love them Hate them Finishers - with Coach Tash

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Coach Tash and Coach Lindsay put together a Love ❤️ Hate 😈 Workout for todays Monday Morning Live!

This workout is going to Kick your Butt, you're going to LOVE it and HATE it.

There is always a little Love and Hate in every workout. If there isn't you're not doing it right, or you're not consistent enough.

Everybody has those days where it's difficult to get up in the morning, you're just not feeling it, and your body is feeling slow, tired, and weak.

The most driven of fitness people will tell you that the days where you're feeling down and out are actually the most important days for fitness and exercise.

It's about the battle, the fight against yourself. The fight against taking the hard path instead of easy road by staying home.

There is no secret formula for being the best possible version of yourself except to stop making excuses.

NOBODY is going to make things happen for you, it's either you take action or you don't.

There is no quick option and no special pill you can take. The formula is quite simple, and everyone can follow it.

It's called Hard Work, and Consistency.

We all love it ❤️, and at times we all hate 😈 it. At the end of day, if you make it through those tough workouts you feel like you're on top of the world, and all other days will feel easy 💪.

Wake up every day with the intent to work hard and chip away at this goal each and every day. The more consistent and and the harder you work, the better results you'll see.

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