Unlocking KJV Correlations Series: Book of Jasher (Deep Dive) Ethics & Seasonings: (Chapters 10-12)

1 month ago

This session covers Chapters 10-12. Preface: CHAPTER 10--The Descendants of Noah, Scattered over the whole earth, build themselves Cities. CHAPTER 11--Nimrod's Wicked Reign. The Idolatry of Terah, Abram's Father. When Fifty Years old, Abram returns to his Father's House and Discovers his Idols. Makes a pretext to destroy them. After making Savory Meat for the gods, Abram takes a Hatchet and destroys them, leaving the Hatchet in the hands of the larger one, where it is discovered by his Father, who is told by Abram that the Great God had risen up in anger and Destroyed his Fellows. Terah in his wrath betrays Abram to the King, who brings him up before the Throne for Judgment. Abram Warns his Father and the King, before all the Princes, of the Evils of Idolatry.
CHAPTER 12--Abram placed in Prison, and is condemned after ten days to be cast into a Fiery
Furnace. His Brother Haran being Falsely Accused is condemned to the same Fate. As Haran's
heart was not right before the Lord, he perished, but Abram is Delivered and is brought forth
Alive. Is Presented with Many Gifts. The King Dreams of Abram, and again Seeks his Life.
Abram flees to the House of Noah.

Book Of Jasher is referenced In Joshua 10:13; 2 Samuel 1:18; And 2 Timothy 3:8. Pillars & Strategies is unlocking correlations through reading & open discussion of the Book of Jasher. This is a 12-week deep dive, covering 3 chapters twice a week (Tuesdays & Saturdays) to cover 91 chapters over the course of the reading plan and is an open discussion forum as we read together. Book of Jasher is available free on our website under the "Lost Books" tab at pillarsandstrategies.net. The purpose of the course is to Unlock Correlations for Reflection and Revelation to spark Revolution.

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