19 days ago

NASA DOCUMENT from the 90’s expose multi level attacks - Global Terror attacks on critical infrastructure, radiation frequencies, collateral damage and exploitation, propaganda machines created by the CIA, human limitations, food adulteration, USA in now an Corporation and bank posing as a legitimate government, beam weapons, evolution direction, immortality, brain mapping, pathological legal warfare, frequency and smart meter warfare, food supply regulation, microwave frequencies to target the human populations, trans humanism, chem trails, and nano fibers.

Massive fluoridations, social engineering, explosive dust, false realities, mass media propaganda to influence thinking, artificial wombs to provide stable environs for the evolution process. Substituting food to cripple and numb the nation of adulterated foods that impact negatively the pineal glands, drones, blast waves accelerators all due to the nation being to blame for being dumb over populous waste.

Silent weapons documents convey population reduction to reduce the creditors, deforestation tactics, food supply reduction, soil ph food domination via polluted Monsanto soil - look at the source documents as they are not hiding these basic document from you.

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