Brutal: Adam Schiff Tried To Play The Part Of Liz Cheney's Lawyer And Pam Bondi LEVELED Him

3 hours ago

Posted • January 15, 2025: Trump's AG nominee is answering questions from the Senate Judiciary Committee and a few Democrats have taken the opportunity to either beclown themselves or get beclowned by Bondi. Adam Schiff is one of the newest Democrat senators so he no doubt wanted to make a big splash with his new colleagues. Bondi made sure that Schiff's efforts were in vain. Schiff seemed to, in part, want to act as a lawyer for the January 6 Committee members -- Liz Cheney in particular. Bondi suggested the California senator should have higher priorities: 🔥 While a deranged Adam Schiff’s main concern is J6 committee members being prosecuted — Bondi calmly points out crime is out of control in his home state. Brutal.

Bondi's response to Schiff's obsession about Trump and Liz Cheney: "You know what we should be worried about? The crime rate in California is through roof. Your robberies are 87 percent higher than the national average. That's what I'm going to focus on, senator, if I'm confirmed as Attorney General." -- All the Left's J6 rhetoric did not resonate with voters but they're still clinging to the narratives and asking Trump's AG nominee to go along with it. Adam seems just a tad worried about something: And it shows! Up next, a self-awareness smackdown of Schiffty Schiff: Bondi to Shifty Schiff: "I'm not going to mislead this body, nor you. You were censured by Congress for comments like these." -- OUCH! Slimy Schiff's going to need a long break after that atomic wedgie. (…)

• More at: Twitchy - BRUTAL: Adam Schiff Tried to Play the Part of Liz Cheney's Lawyer and Pam Bondi LEVELED Him

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