The Queen's Spade by Sarah Raughley

1 month ago

I had the great pleasure of sitting down with the author of this month's book review, Sarah Raughley, the author of The Queen’s Spade and several other awesome works. I don't think we could have picked a better book to start the New Year off with and a more talented and interesting author to sit down with. We talked about the challenges of being a person of color and getting published. We also talked about the angry Black woman stereotype, colorism in entertainment, how much presales really mean to publishers and how we can show up and support our authors of color. We even discussed the transition of going from writing Sci-Fi and Fantasy to writing a Thriller. I think that especially in this current climate we need to see more stories about women of color written by women of color and we need to be supporting their work. It's high time that we show up for our women in the ways they have and continue to show up for us.

The Queen’s Spade represents the heart of Raughley. She is the impact in a world that may misunderstand her or misuse her talent. It effectively shines through her protagonist because the crossover to a new world is not easy, but it is necessary to go after the things we want. Just as Raughley stretched herself beyond where she was comfortable to enter a new genre, Sarah (Sally) had to wrap herself in a new world to maneuver for the thing she wanted….revenge.

All in all this was a great interview with an awesome human and I know that you guys will enjoy getting to know Sarah as much as I did.

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