A Way Out of the Matrix ( Dead Entity LEGAL system )

5 days ago

Declare yourself a living Soul . We are currently living in a Matrix built around a Dead Entity fake Law , the LEGAL system, the All CAPS name, the great deception. We are living Souls not Dead Entities. Our Creator is a living entity.
Who the Creator is, what the Creator is, where the Creator is …..try sitting in some uncorrupted space surrounded by nature, you will see the patterns, and the patterns are perfect.
I think out loud, I talk out loud.
Sending frequencies of truth out into the ether.
May your flicker of light be wondrous and full creativity and love.

BHCH ( grondinart )

If we live in the patterns of Creator, Natural Law, a great balance will come over the all cultures, all peoples, all common unites, all families, all individuals, all souls, everywhere time and space.

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