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Cause Before Symptom - With Your Host James Carner


I have been practicing delivering demons out of people for many years. I started the moment after I realized I had them inside of me. Demonology is real. Casting them out is real. The church mainly stays away from this because it doesn’t attract membership. This is sad, because every person walking this earth has demonic attachments.

They arrive through sin as an open door and through generational curses from our ancestors selling their souls for riches. Curses take effect when you or your ancestors have committed certain acts which are contrary to the Word of God. This is an act of sin which then brings curses on you and your descendants. The demons will then try to perpetuate the curse for all remaining generations of descendants. The demons can enter the child in the womb at conception. The child enters life with this characteristic which is demonic. The world would say that
the child inherited this characteristic from his ancestors. What was inherited was a demon passed down through the blood line.

The Catholic Church claims responsibility for doing such a rite as they feel they have the proper tools to cast out demons or perform exorcisms. This is just a control mechanism. They are only called out for severe conditions but never put organizations together for minor ones. Everyone has demons. They do come back. And in greater numbers. Our problem is we are too attached to sin. This is due to our own environment that has been grooming us for years. There are organizations that continue to condition us to accept sin through entertainment and other factors. They won’t stop because they are serving their masters.

The problem with getting everyone to do deliverances on each other is a matter of understanding what sin is and remove the accepted meaning behind it. Removing the stigma of being bad needs to be achieved and casting a whole new perspective on sin needs new context. For 2,000 years, man lived on the planet without the awareness of what it was. There were no laws until Moses was given them. God was never angry at sin to begin with. It’s not anything other than mud that blocks you from the divine. You are a walking and breathing antennae that was created to hear and converse with God. Since the fall of Adam and Eve, we lost our direct line in. Think of it like we were plugged in and now we are like wifi. His signals do not come through good enough to be guided and sin is like mud that covers the signal. More on that later.

A deliverance doesn’t just remove one demon. There are hundreds if not thousands that can be latched onto people. It’s not our fault. We were tricked and society allows it in. Remember this. We are weak. We were placed here during a war. This war originally was not evil against good. It started in the house of good. The best way to describe why the angels fell was monotony and immaturity. The angels were spoken into existence without being raised. They were spoon fed with glory and had jobs to perform. At first it probably was wonderful. Singing, working, praising and learning all of the wonders of God. But what happens to servants after years of service? If man hates their job, why would we dismiss that would never happen there? Most likely because when we think of heaven we think of eternal bliss.

What happens when one of your servants decides they have earned their way to take over for a while? Ask you to go on vacation and allow them to rule for a few weeks. And if you did, what would you expect to return to? And what if you returned to a few new rules that you know will, in the future, harm society as a whole, even though it seemed benign? What would your children think when you set the rules back to the way they were? What if your answer doesn’t please them? Even if it makes sense, the change back created doubt in your officers no doubt. We think of heaven as perfect. Yet it had a rebellion. Is that not perfect? You think the blame was all on one angel? 1/3rd were kicked out. They were found guilty. Guilty of what? Rebellion? During the Nuremberg trials, they didn’t put all the soldiers of Germany in jail did they? Or ban them from their country?

No. Heaven has its problems just like earth does. It’s not all peaches and cream up there. There are arguments, scuffles and disagreements. The difference is we live in an incorruptable body there. A technology beyond our own understanding. A dimension that to us seems perfect but has its flaws. God is a creator and will continue to create and unfortunately, everything he creates will continue to rebel. You honestly think after we die, we will float on clouds forever with our bellies full? This is a gross misrepresentation of the higher dimensions. If God is love, we are not. Nor are his angels. Otherwise, if they were made of love, they would not have rebelled. That’s just a hunch.

The angels who fell are not demons. They are spirit incapable of keeping a form in the third dimension. They want worship like God has and manipulates men through spiritual means. They created an offspring of our DNA by helping man with technology through dreams, rituals and manifestations by playing God. Technology isn’t a new thing. It happened to us before the flood. We had flying cars, computer chips, cell phones and televisions before. All of this happened right before the great flood. Technology killed our hearts and love for our neighbor back then and is doing so again. God destroyed the world with the flood to start all over again with nature and a new bloodline that wasn’t as tainted. This is happening all over again as Jesus said it will. Just as in the days of Noah, so shall the coming of the son of man be.

The sons of god are back and have started the exchange of technology with man. Learning from their mistakes this time, they are creating habitable machines for their children to possess in order to do the will of their fathers. Instead of them being giants, they are genetically modifying human and machine called transhumanism which is the fourth Industrial Revolution. This is when the nephilim will return but instead using hybrids. Pre-flood, the sons of god made giants. After their death, the spirit became trapped here on earth. They are bastards not belonging in heaven or hell. the Bible talks about them being roaming spirits looking for a warm host to inhabit.

But before they enter into cyborgs, they have been entering into the body and soul of man through all forms of inadvertent agreements. They are told by their master, who is Satan, that if they do not perform their work on mankind, Satan will kill them. Since they already died the first death, they have no idea what awaits them in the second death and this motivates them to practice evil. There are thousands of names of demons from their original nephilim name, to the underworld name, to the sin name they attach to. For example, if they are to enter a human’s body and soul (not spirit), they take the name of the sin they use against the human. For example, there is the demon of bitterness, demon of lies, demon of depression and thousands of other destructive things that hurt mankind.

Deliverance is about studying the subject first by asking a list of questions to build up the task to remove as many demons as possible. I personally have sent a list of 250 questions that hones down on the problems so when I perform the deliverance, I don’t miss one. Often times, demons will not come forward. These demons hide or leave the body temporarily until the deliverance is performed. Some demons have more power than other demons. The power they have is the stronghold the person has for keeping a sin. The subject may still want lust even though they prayed for it to be removed. A pastor cannot perform a deliverance on a subject who willingly wants to keep sin. Many lie and think they are not but their subconscious holds on.

Some deliverances go perfectly and I am able to remove thousands of them. Some I can only speak to one. Usually the powerful demons throw the little ones under the bus and allow me to cast them out instead. This often happens when we plan a deliverance. If the demons know it is coming, they prepare for the battle. Yes, we have the power over them, but they have strategies to disappear and reappear in order to avoid the full casting out. Most of the deliverances I do only removes a few demons. They are the weakest. There are ways to get them all but it takes a willing heart, prayer and fasting from both parties and several deliverances over the period of months. Sometimes years.

The demons we deliver out of a person, are cast wherever you put them. If you cast them out of the body and are not specific in where they are to be, they just get sent right back in the line to harm others. I usually send them to the pit and sentence them there until the day of judgment. This way they are bound to harm no one else ever again. This means one less soldier on the field for Satan. After demons are cast out, the kingdom of hell sends more after you. They actually come back in more numbers to make it harder for that to happen again. The intent of the person who wants them out is key to keeping them out as they cannot return to the sin they held onto.

How does it work? I have read many books and seen hundreds of videos of deliverances. Each author presents a different approach. After trial and error, they all come up with their own system. The most important part of a deliverance isn’t how you do it. It’s if you do it. Hardly anyone provides this as it’s hard to find. There are some who actually want payment for the service as that’s how they make a living. There is no wrong way of doing a deliverance even though all those who teach it say their way is correct.

Prayer first with the recipient sets the stage. Make sure you ask for protection before beginning. Speaking in tongues offers power and fills in the gaps you are missing for the deliverance. It’s like encryption where the devil can’t intercept. With or without a Bible, you verbally say and point to the person you place a war angel on the 6 sides of the body. With the sward of the spirit, I place a war angel on the left of person, on the right of person, behind person, in front of person, above person and below person. This traps the demons inside the body with nowhere to go. Then you need to separate the spirit of person from the body and soul. I ask that they are placed beside Jesus or the Holy Spirit for comfort and protection.

Now that you are speaking to whatever is in the body and soul, you are in control of the demons due to your authority in Christ. the Bible says you are judges over angels whether bad or good. Then you speak to the head demon. This bypasses all of the weaker ones to get to the root cause of possession. If you have a list of things the person filled out, you can start there. Demon of lust come forward in Jesus name. You will automatically see a change in the person’s reaction. Hesitation. The demons can sense your faith and weakness. The beginner to deliverance will have trouble gaining authority over them. By authority meaning, they will remain quiet and think you are a rookie.

They respond to authority and Jesus’ name. This is how you bring the confrontation back in your favor. In the name of Jesus, I command the demon of lust to answer me. They may remain quiet. Thus repeat but now with consequences. If you do not speak to me, I will bind you together with your own kind and kingdom and cast you into the pit right now. This gives the demons a choice. Respond and con their way out or accept the fate. You do not have to talk to the demons. After all, they are liars. You will barely get any reputable information from them.

Once speaking to what says it’s in charge, your job is to prove to them that they have the right to be there. This doesn’t require knowledge of the Bible, either. They need to show proof that you, the spirit, gave them permission to be there. Ask the demon if it is a generational curse. Ask how many generations does it go back to. Who gave it authority back then to remain in the bloodline. Show me the documentation signed by person that gave it permission.

Interrogation doesn’t have to be done. You can just bind them and cast them out, but a deliverance is about teaching faith to the recipient. They will hear everything that is happening and this helps the person see the real spiritual warfare that is going on. I choose interrogation only because I have experience doing this. Interregation helps get to the root cause of why the person holds onto sin. It’s a deeper form of deliverance that only experienced practitioners do. It also builds a repertoire of names and tools to use against further suspects.

Ask the demon who else is in there. They are no snitches. They need authority to be used to get them to cooperate. Remember the sword of the spirit we use to divide the body and soul from the spirit? It is an actual sword of the word of God. You wield it in your hand. Act as if you are holding it and you can torture the demon with it. Pierce its side, cut off a leg, scalp it. They feel it in the spirit just as in the flesh. This is when it can get a little loud. Some deliverances can be extreme and you see supernatural things like the body lifting up in the air or the person throwing up. Vomiting is a good sign as the demon is either trying to escape from the mouth or is being pulled out by the angels.

Behind you is Jesus Christ. When you evoke his name, he stands behind you. You can ask the demon if he sees him. This is another form of torture as they hate Jesus. It also brings the full command of heaven down to your performance. Ask the demon what he looks like. Questions always yield the most awe responses. Many demons claim they start to burn as the power is so strong. You can be polite and ask Jesus to take a step back to ease the suffering so you can continue to the interrogation. Remember what you are there for. To remove curses, spells, hexes and contracts from the person’s bloodline and any demons they allowed in.

Never leave an empty vessel. After casting out a demon or demons, you have to take the sword of the spirit and tell the person to go back into the body. After, they must verbally accept Jesus as their Lord and savior and be baptized in the Holy Spirit by asking the Holy Ghost to live in you the temple. This helps with temptation and makes it harder for the demons to find other ways in. This also cements your commitment that you may have done earlier in haste or were half way interested. Now that you had such an experience, I find that those that go through this are faith strong.

There are demons of thousands of things. Just to name a few:

Bitterness Accusation Passivity Resentment Judging Funk Hatred Criticism Indifference Unforgiveness Faultfinding Listlessness Violence Lethargy Temper Rejection Anger Fear of Rejection Depression Retaliation Self-Rejection Despair Murder Despondency Insecurity Discouragement Rebellion Inferiority Defeatism Self-will Self-Pity Dejection Stubbornness Loneliness Hopelessness Disobedience Timidity Suicide Anti-Submissiveness Shyness Death Inadequacy Insomnia Strife Ineptness Morbidity Contention Argument Jealousy Heaviness Quarreling Envy Gloom Fighting Suspicion Burden Distrust Disgust Control Selfishness Possessiveness Worry Dominance Withdrawal Anxiety Witchcraft Pouting Fear Daydreaming Dread Retaliation Fantasy Apprehension Destruction Pretension Spite Unreality Nervousness Hatred Tension Sadism Escape Headache Hurt Indifference Nervous Habits Cruelty Stoicism Restlessness Passivity Excitement Sensitiveness Sleepiness Insomnia Self-Awareness Alcohol Roving Fear of Man Drugs Fear of Disapproval Sexual Impurity Perfection Lust Persecution Pride Fantasy Lust Unfairness Vanity Masturbation Fear of Judgment Ego Homosexuality Fear of Condemnation Frustration Lesbianism Fear of Accusation Criticism Adultery Fear of Reproof Irritability Fornication Sensitiveness Intolerance Incest Anger Harlotry Mental Illness Rape Insanity Competition Exposure Madness Driving Frigidity Mania Argument Retardation Pride Cults Senility Ego Jehovah's Witnesses Schizophrenia Christian Science Paranoia Impatience Rosicrucianism Hallucinations Agitation Theosophy Frustration Urantia Paranoia Intolerance Subud Jealousy Resentment Envy Criticism Unity Suspicion Mormonism Distrust False Burden Bahaism Persecution False Responsibility Unitarianism Fears False Compassion Lodges, societies Confrontation and social agencies Grief using the Bible & Confusion Sorrow God as a basis but Frustration Heartache omitting the blood Incoherence Heartbreak atonement of Jesus Forgetfulness Crying Christ) Sadness Doubt Cruelty Occult Unbelief Ouija Board Skepticism Fatigue Palmistry Tiredness Handwriting Analysis Death Weariness Automatic Handwriting Laziness Indecision ESP Procrastination Infirmity Hypnotism Compromise (May include Horoscope Confusion any disease Astrology Forgetfulness or sickness) Levitation Indifference Fortune Telling Inheritance Water Witching Self Deception (Physical) Tarot Cards Self-Delusion (Emotional) Pendulum Self-Seduction (Mental) Witchcraft Pride (Curses) Black Magic White Magic Mind Binding Hyperactivity Conjuration Confusion Restlessness Incantation Fear of Man Driving Fetishes Fear of Failure Pressure Etc. Occult Spirits Spiritism Spirits Cursing Religious Blasphemy Ritualism Mind Idolatry Course Jesting Formalism Intellectualism Gossip Legalism Rationalization Criticism Doctrinal Obsession Pride Backbiting Fear of God Ego Mockery Fear of Hell Belittling Fear of Lost Salvation Fears (All Kinds) Railing Religiosity Phobias (All Kinds) Etc. Hysteria Addictive & Compulsive Spiritism Fear of Authority Nicotine Seance Lying Alcohol Spirit Guide Deceit Drugs Necromancy Caffeine Pride Medications False Religions Ego Gluttony Buddhism Vanity Taoism Self-Righteousness Gluttony Hinduism Haughtiness Nervousness Islam Importance Compulsive Eating Shintoism Arrogance Resentment Confucianism Frustration Etc. Affectation Idleness Theatrics Self-Pity Covetousness Playacting Self-Reward Stealing Sophistication Kleptomania Pretension Self Accusation Material Lust Self-Hatred Greed Self-Condemnation Discontent

And yes, one demon is attached to one of those things. This could mean you have 6,000 demons working heavily on you to make you absolutely miserable. Deliverances can’t get them all at once. They take time depending on the recipient and what they hold onto. Sometimes, the person has to say during the deliverance they want one of those out and commands the demon to leave. Remember, you are fighting against a well organized system that leads to death. the Bible says sin leads to death. The more sin in your life, the quicker you are to die. This is the design of it all. To attach as many spirits to you as possible so you kill yourself in sin. The above list I read is just a small example of the amount of demons there really are in the world. It could appear to be overwhelming and discourage someone to try. My thought is, if you can live a life with one or many of them out of it, it has to be better than before. So why not?

You will never be able to get them all. Ever. As your flesh is demonic. the Bible says we are born a child of the devil and when we receive Christ we become a new creature. That creature is your spirit and new body after the first death. This is a daily fight we do until we die. Deliverances are for those who don’t believe in the spiritual world. Time helps a person remove the demons by themselves with the help of the Holy Spirit. Deliverance is a way of proving Satan exists. Deliverances wouldn’t need to happen if Christians accepted the Holy Spirit to live inside them. He is the truth teller and comforter. He will point out things you do that harm you. You and the Holy Spirit work together to remove sin. That is if you let him take over.

Deliverance is mainly for the subconscious. The subconscious mind is the part of your mental processes that operates below your conscious awareness, influencing your thoughts, emotions, and behaviors without you actively realizing it; essentially, it stores memories, beliefs, and patterns that are not readily accessible to your conscious mind but still impact your actions and reactions. This is where demons hang out. They work on bringing up sin in the subconscious. This is when we light a cigarette as habit. One may not even know they did it until halfway through the process.

Demons hide and never reveal themselves to you. They can’t make you move, however. You have the autonomous ability to move. They can only make suggestions to your subconscious. They do not and cannot see through your eyes as you do. They are very tiny spiritual spheres that move in and out of you. There is no place for them to rest. Some can see them fly around through a camera (those orbs that move at right or left angles which appear to be conscious. A Christian who was baptized will have them wander around but never in the bosom where the Holy Spirit does reside. They fly around and tell the Holy Spirit and your guardian angels that you have not asked them to be removed. The Kingdom of heaven has to let them through. It’s very annoying for God to sit and watch you be ignorant and allow them to hurt you because you were convinced through education that God is a superstition.

There is so much more that I can teach about deliverance. I could spend weeks doing a seminar and teach people, but the problem is the ears and eyes to see thing. Most people balk at this and most churches would rather focus on attendance than on spiritual warfare. It scares people. I understand this argument. A church needs to pay its bills. But for me, I crave this kind of thing. I am what they call a zealot for God. After years of studying and practicing, I have built up enough wisdom to save my energy for those who want it. I am patient and ready whenever the Holy Ghost puts a job in front of me. What god is looking for are those that call back when he calls them. A person that just says they will do what he needs. God can’t deliver demons from people. They have free will. God can’t take away your toy. You will cry and have a temper tantrum.

We have to think of God in a whole new context. Instead of being afraid of him and feel awful about how sinful we are, perhaps we could think differently by seeing God as a Father who loves us and wants us to find him for protection. He actually lost us and not the other way around. We were kidnapped. The ransom was paid by Jesus but Satan will not let us go. Satan is our kidnapper and we are his captive until we die the first death. How can this war of heaven and hell be our faults? Our abductor lies to us and gives us books to read. He promises it’s legit and straight from God himself. We believe them. This is called the Stockholm syndrome which is the psychological response that causes a person to sympathize with their abuser or captor. It's also known as capture-bonding. I have proven to myself that the Bible has been corrupted. I can show people the truth, but they are bound to their abductor through sin.

Deliverance opens the eyes of the abductee to see they are in a prison. It frees us from the idea of being captive. It releases those demons that hold us back from reading the Bible and seeking the Kingdom of Heaven. We are the victims here. We were born on the front line during a war. We were kidnapped at birth by the enemy and all our lives, they have lied to us and fed us propaganda about our real home and King. This thinking takes away religion and helps us look at God a different way. He misses us and wants us back not because of our sin but because the way of heaven versus the way of earth keeps us alive longer and less sick. Deliverance is the gateway to faith.


James Carner’s head

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