2 months ago

APOLLO WARS: The first in the Apollo Wars trilogy, the epic saga of the deception of the NASA Apollo psyops. Part of the Movie Code, where the story of faking the Moon landings is secretly told within the frames of George Lucas’s films. Once you see it you will understand the evil behind the mask, the magic behind the Lookout Mountain fucker which has plagued America and the world for generations.
Lifting the veil of perception. Starring George Lucus as Luke Skywalker, Stanely Kubrick as Han Solo, Christine Kubrick as Princess Lay-ya’ and Chewbacca as Steven Spielberg. Also starring Walt Disney as both Obe Won and Darth Vader.
Told by renown seeker, Owen Harris
Distributed by The Seeker Mafia
A Bat Shit, What Is It? And How Did It Get This Crazy, film?
Punatic Productions 2018

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