Marco Rubio: It Is Unacceptable for the US to Be Dependent on CCP for Everything

1 month ago

01/15/2025 Sen. Marco Rubio @marcorubio testifies at the Senate Confirmation Hearing for Secretary of State: If we stay on the road we're on right now, in less than 10 years, virtually everything that matters to us in life will depend on whether CCP will allow us to have it or not. That's an unacceptable outcome.
#ccp #supplychain #CriticalMinerals #NationalSecurity #ElectricVehicles
01/15/2025 美国参议员马可‧卢比奥在参议院国务卿提名听证会作证:如果我们继续沿着当前的道路前进,不到10年,我们生活中几乎所有重要的事物都将取决于中共是否允许我们拥有它。这种结果是完全不可接受的。
#中共 #供应链 #关键矿产 #国家安全 #电动汽车

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