Dumping Extended Ascii Font Atlas Into Binary Glyph Lookup Tables

13 days ago

The extended ascii character set is 256 symbols , indexxed 0 to 255 inclusive . These symbols are easily stored in a 16x16 tilemap .PNG graphic .

If you ever wondered why code uses english and not Japanese or Chinese , this is the reason .

English or some other highly limited character set was vital to bootstrapping ourselves into the age of computers .

Anyways , if you are clever you can further compress the data in an ascii character set tilemap by converting th pixels to bits and storing those bits inside of clusters of unsignes numbers .

I am doing the following :

8x8 ascii glyphs :
Encoded using 8 rows of uint8_t

16x16 ascii glyphs :
Encoded using 16 rows of uint16_t

32x32 ascii glyphs :
Encoded using 32 rows of uint32_t

Youtube has been banning my channels even though I only make educational content . So now I am here on rumble .

But talking into the void is better than having all of my video documentation 100% nuked .

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