[STALKER GAMMA][Part 6] Staking out a home in the Zone!

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We met up with the Ecologists, snuck in and got some good gold stashes, now its time to transfer my stuff to the base and get setup properly! Good news is we have a lot of resources to work with and can save some cash by building our own workbench to use!

Youtube: https://youtube.com/live/W0WiGeuHrl4
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/setchdreskar

Join the Discord: https://discord.gg/Vyx9WGC
(We watch movies every saturday for Saturday Showtime, Bounties to put your shekels towards and discussion on all media... just remember the golden rule, there are no sacred cows!)

Want to put up a bounty not through rumble? Throw some shekels this way: https://twitch.streamlabs.com/SetchDreskar

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