Why only the US can stop China & Russia?

7 hours ago

Hypersonic missiles have been one of the military breakthroughs of the 21st century. And failed hypersonic missile experiments too...
Several countries are currently developing hypersonic weapons, most notably the United States, Russia and China.

Other countries are also conducting research, while the rest claim to be conducting unconfirmed tests.

The Russian side began research on hypersonic weapons technology in the 1980s.

Russia also inherited the reputation of being the first country to deploy hypersonic weapons in war.

China is also investing heavily in hypersonic missiles.

China's military leadership sees this technology as an important element of its regional warfare strategy and possibly its strategic deterrence.

China has one operational hypersonic missile, has tested several, and maintains an active research and development program.

While China's specific plans for fielding such systems are unclear, it is possible to identify potential strategic and operational issues that will need to be addressed as its capabilities mature.

However, China and Russia have been deeply shaken by the US's newly developed hypersonic missile, which was tested before the end of 2024.

Especially after China's unsuccessful tests of hypersonic missiles and weapons in recent years, the US's attack on this issue has changed all the balances.

In this video, we will take a deeper look at how the United States has taken back the advantage from China on hypersonic missile tests.

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