His Glory TV - Barry Wunsch The Canadian Hammer Joins Prophetic Wednesdays on Take FiVe - Captions

1 month ago

Dave Scarlett introduces a special edition of 'Take Five Prophetic Wednesdays' with guest Barry Wunsch, also known as the Canadian Hammer, to discuss spiritual and prophetic insights. They touch upon the physical and spiritual challenges facing individuals, updates on religious initiatives, and preparations for revival. Barry shares a vision of intense spiritual warfare involving President Trump, describing an encounter with angels that revealed a Jezebel spirit close to the President. This spirit and its allies seek to manipulate and deceive, but will be exposed and removed. The discussion also includes prophecies about President Trump, his spiritual growth, and the importance of wisdom and surrender to God. The video concludes with a call to intimacy with God through prayer, Bible reading, and fellowship.

✝️ Another Awesome Message from His Glory Ministry! The original video was posted on 12-25-2024, and may be watched here: 👉 https://rumble.com/v62ijhn

Psalm 91, Prophetic Vision & Spiritual Warfare | His Glory's Special Episode

This special edition of His Glory's 'Take Five Prophetic Wednesdays' begins with a reading and reflection on Psalm 91, emphasizing trust in God's protection. Host Lee Valentine and guest Barry discuss prophetic updates, spiritual warfare, and intercession concerning global events and President Trump's spiritual battles. The episode features accounts of intense spiritual visions, including the presence of Jezebel's spirit and its influence around President Trump. The conversation also touches on the significance of Kingdom governance, upcoming revival, and the call for intercessory prayer. Additionally, they introduce various His Glory products and initiatives aimed at supporting the ministry's mission to reach a billion souls.

00:00 Psalm 91: A Divine Promise of Protection
01:40 Introduction and Welcome
02:10 Special Edition: Prophetic Wednesdays
02:33 Kingdom Fuel and Revival Preparation
02:59 Product Highlights and Announcements
04:13 Barry's Prophetic Insights
04:28 Spiritual Warfare and Protection for President Trump
19:44 The Role of Prophecy and Governance
26:05 Conclusion and Final Thoughts

Video Information:

Barry Wunsch, The Canadian Hammer joins Prophetic Wednesdays on Take FiVe



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Video Transcript:

Psalm 91, He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the Lord, He is my refuge and my fortress, my God and Him I will trust. Surely He shall deliver you from the snare of the follower and from the perilous pestilence. He shall cover you with his feathers, and under his wings you shall take refuge.

His truth shall be your shield and buckler. You shall not be afraid of the terror by night, nor of the arrow that flies by day, nor the pestilence that walks in darkness, nor the destruction that lays waste at noonday. A thousand may fall at your side, and ten thousand at your right hand, but it shall not come near you.

Only with your eyes shall you look and see the reward of the wicked. Because you have made the Lord, who is my refuge, even the most high, your dwelling place. No evil shall befall you, nor shall any plague come near you, your dwelling. For he shall give his angels charge over you, to keep you in all your ways.

In their hands they shall bear you up, lest you dash your foot against a stone. Amen. He shall tread upon the lion and the cobra, the young lion and the serpent he shall trample underfoot. Because he has set his love upon me, therefore I will deliver him. I will set him on high because he has known my name.

He shall call upon me and I will answer him. I will be with him in trouble. I will deliver him and honor him. With long life, I will satisfy him and show him my salvation.

Hello, everyone. It's Lee Valentine with his glory. I love it. God bless you. Talk to you soon.

And we want to welcome all of his glory nation from east to west to north to south. Welcome to this special edition of take five prophetic Wednesdays. We have the Canadian hammer back in the house with us. I talk about Canada and all things Lord, our Lord and savior, Jesus Christ. He gets a lot of the same Intel I get it gets us from the spiritual realm more than I get, but the physical realm, it's amazing as they're coming together.

So we're going to get through the updates real quick so we can get Barry on to talk about, okay. What's going on in the world. First kingdom fuel, complete meal replacement. We've got to have our bodies as temples for Christ. Starting out now into going into 2025 year, we're still in the middle of a war.

But revival's coming and we got to be ready for this great event to reach a billion souls, 25 vitamins and minerals, reds and greens, all in one full true meal replacement. I start my day every day. My wife makes the best smoothie with this in there. It's full meal replacement. And that's, that's all I have in the meat and the beginning of the day.

Kingdom crunch. This is a general Flynn's favorite right there. Dr. Sherwood went out and got a healthy cereal that will be healthy for us. You can get that right there, wet or dry. People take it either way. His glory make Jesus first again, hats. That's the most important thing is put Jesus first.

And everything we do and glorify His name for His glory. The Lion of the Tribe of Judah is coming back soon. Are we ready? Are we prepared? Get your God and Country Garden and House banner and also prayer requests. Get your prayer request into our team, prayerwarriors at Hisglory. me. Every single prayer is prayed over and responded back to.

To you. So our prayer warriors are ready to do that and we'll be announcing some of these prayer breakthroughs. Last is end of year. Giving challenge for a billion Souls is our goal, as you know, and you can be a part of making that happen on his glory. We're going to 24 7, his glory.me next year, his Glory tv.

We'll be movies documentaries, praise music. It'll be a, a Netflix, but for Christian and Patriots. So. Thank you for all you do. You can be a part of the soul, the soul winning business where we're kingdom planners. We're planning the seeds out to bring them home. All the loss. We have a billion souls to do and we have a short window to do it.

So thank you. All right. It's a time for my dear friend, Barry. Barry, welcome back. Hey, it's so good to be back with you, Dave and the His Glory nation. Thank you so much to, to have me on again. It's, it's such an honor. It is an honor for us as well. So what has the Lord been telling you? We're, we're, we talked a little bit before the show start, but it's shaky times, but he's going to get it.

He wins in the end. Oh, I'm telling you you know, Dave, if I, if I said it's been easy going, I mean, I wouldn't be telling you the truth. It has been some of the most intense, arduous intercession and, and spiritual warfare over the last few days. And I'm telling you since about Thursday of last week, the, the, the, the, I, I've never experienced the level of blatant witchcraft that has been coming at us and but you know, I'm, I'm going to say all that.

To say this is that, you know, we've had, you know, some things coming forward here that are very, very exciting and, and coming into place on, on a big, big, big scale. And so, you know, there are a few things that have to get cleaned up and out of the way, I think, before we can really see the fullness of it.

And the Lord is dealing with You know, all of this and I mean, on December 5th, well, I'll say on December 4th the night of December 4th, I'm going about my business and I mean, I kept hearing President Trump is under a spell. President Trump is under a spell and I'm going, Oh my goodness. I mean, and you know, you kind of pay attention and like, Lord, what's this?

And then the next morning I got up and actually I was preparing for another broadcast and again, I heard President Trump is under a spill. And so I was out running around, you know, doing some errands around town, and I'm driving down the road in my truck, and I'll just say, like it happens to me, the I was taken into the spirit and, you know, going down the road and I saw a Jezebel spirit close to President Trump.

And from what I saw you know, I believe that this is a spirit that's operating through a very close spiritual advisor to President Trump. I don't know. I don't know. And I mean, I saw actually, you know, who, who that was. And the, the, the next thing I knew I was taken in the spirit into a private suite.

And you know, it was very well appointed. It was elegant. It had very nice furnishings and finishes and you know, this group of angel, There was a dozen angels that came, opened up this suite, brought me in, and now these angels, I mean, they were given, you know, it was clear that they'd been given full access to go and do everything that they were called to do.

Now, these angels I mean, they were enforcers, and I can tell you that you would not want to have them working against you. Period. I mean, they were dressed in these you know, very Yeah, I mean, this armor, I mean, it kind of looked like Kevlar, but it was almost like it was alive, and I mean, impenetrable, you know, and the strength that was on these guys, I mean, it was just so evident, and they had an authority on them that, I mean, it just exuded, you know, everything about them, every motion, every move, every step they made.

I mean, this Angelicoast, these guys were all business, and so they were clearly sent on an assignment, and the timing for this was now. So they escorted me into this room, and then they lined up in a flank, basically on either side of a doorway for me to enter, and I knew by the spirit that this was actually the room Jezebel, in which, you know, we're dealing with here.

Now, these angels came and they, they unlocked a closet before me that was, you know, part of this suite. And there's one particular angel, and, you know, he seemed to be leading, leading this assignment. And, He entered in and he turned around because he, you know, I was following, he turned around face to face with me and on my right, his left, there was a, there was a medium sized safe and, and, you know, this, this angel, he got in and, you know, we're kind of standing face to face and this, this safe is off to the side, and he looked me in the eye, And with a pause, he bowed his head for a minute,

and there was a kind of a moment of silence that I knew that what was about to be opened up would have huge consequences for President Trump and the nation, let alone the nations. And so this angel, he finally, you know, he lifted his head, looked me in the eye, looked And he had a focus and just, you know, with a confidence and a strength, he just proceeded to do what he needed to do.

And before I knew it, he just, he'd opened up that safe. Now, I knew by the spirit that this Jezebel had had some information hidden there and she had, you know, kept some information, kind of locked it up for what, you know, she was prepared to use as a It's kind of a last resort of, you know, kind of blackmail and, and pressure to maintain her powerful advisory position with the president.

And now I also saw, and it's something like in a second, how you can just know this stuff by, by the spirit of God, but I knew that all that she had was false. Everything that she held was fabricated lies. And so this, this false, you know, fabricated information and allegations she held, I mean, they were sensitive in nature, but, but they were found to be the end.

I mean, they were going to be found to be worthless, but in the process of it, it was going to expose her. You know, it was going to expose really who she was. And so, Anyway, this lady was literally intentionally walking in darkness. Masquerading as light and the Lord in his perfect timing, you know, in wisdom and, and all of that was bringing this deception into the light.

And you know, the timing of this was perfect. So the angel pulled us this stuff out of the safe and was basically going to get it into the hands to be dealt with in the right way with president Trump to close this back. open wide this back door of the enemy that had access to things that shouldn't be so Anyway that's kind of the first chunk of it.

Wow. Well, a joint friend of ours sent me some information about This person to get to Eric Trump. I'm in the process of doing that. I will be seeing Eric probably in the next month or so. So I might have to hand deliver it to him. Also I was just told this week too, that this witchcraft and voodoo has gone to another level.

They're getting physical hairs from people like president Trump and then creating a voodoo seance witchcraft from that physical DNA. Wow. Well, I mean, I mean that this does not does not surprise me. So it's a time the church step it up and I believe he's calling us to a higher level of intercession to deal with this and he is

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All right, Barry, that was pretty intense, the first part you said there's more to this? Well, I, I tell you, Dave, I mean, so I'm in there, I watch this angel pull this information out, and he was basically posturing to get it into the right hands, to be dealt with right, in the right way, so, so, You know, President Trump would be protected and that the Lord was going to close these, these wide open back doors that the enemy has access to in and around President Trump.

And so I also say this, I knew by the Spirit of God that this lady was not acting alone. Hi, I, I knew by the spirit of God that there was, she was one of what seemed to me three bad actors that you know, there was a, you know, the spirit was feeding back and forth among them and the enemy had placed, you know, these three very, Close to president Trump, you know, to cause interference, to, to block, you know, the plans of God and then the full destiny that we have right now.

And you know, that, that God has really called, called him to. And so now these ones we're now going to be exposed for who they really are. And President Trump would not be able to deny, he would not be able to deny the unrighteous control, manipulation, and witchcraft that was being used against him. And so I knew by the Spirit of God that these ones were on their way out.

The cat was out of the bag. There was no stopping it. And the Lord was protecting President Trump, and it would be Undeniable with the evidence as to these ones and what they were up to, and that there would be a trail of, of evidence that simply, you know, looking back in hindsight, the president would be able to put the pieces together and say, Oh, well, that makes sense.

And he was not going to be very happy to know that he'd been betrayed. Betrayed you know, by this appearance of this, of this Jezebel spirit. And, and, you know, in conjunction with a religious political spirit that had got in. So, so what I'll say is that justice is at hand and consequences were assured.

And, you know, holy be, be the word of the Lord. Wow. Well, that that matches I don't, I don't, I can surmise who these people are, but Julie green had a very similar prophetic word feeling, I think she called it a Jezebel spirit as well. And then I have to be careful. I say this somebody that was here on the ranch when you were here last that spoke reached out to me about two weeks ago and said there was somebody near president Trump.

And their exact words were Jezebel's spirit. Yeah. Yeah. And so, you know, the Jezebel spirit, it can be on a man, it can be on a woman you know, it'll operate through, you know, manipulation, control, withholding information, bringing false information, I mean, even more than, than false information.

Misinformation is one thing. Because, you know, that can be an innocent mistake. You know, you think it's raining outside. It was raining an hour ago. It's about, the rain stopped, you know, so that's a, that's a, an innocent mistake. But, when you have disinformation that is intentionally fabricated, You know, to bring deception, to change the outcome of a decision, that's witchcraft, plain and simple.

And and then the other thing is, you know, when you've got an element of someone, you know, trying to hold a secret or trying to hold something, you know, I mean, again, that is sheer manipulation and witchcraft. And the Lord, He's taking this all out of the way, because we cannot, Dave, with what is coming as we see the rebirth of a nation?

You know, we cannot, we cannot afford to have kind of the old, the old ways. You know, God is doing something new. He is doing something new. And, and when you've got bits and pieces of, of old fractured things that are in that mix, Do you know what, I don't believe that's the hour we're in, we, I mean, it's going to take a lot for us to get our brain out of, you know, this governmental, I'm going to say politics, he's taking us from politics to governance, and there's a difference, big difference, and, and, and, and so in, in all honesty, Kingdom ways are governance.

It's not political. And, and so, you know, a lot of the church, you know, they don't really have a grip or an understanding on how this works. But, but let me say, I, you know, God is bringing the prophets

in our day to walk with the kings. We, I mean, it, it's like the things that are going on behind the scenes right now, it, it's happening, it is happening, and it's not just in America. Right. This is a movement, Dave, that, you know, America has a great part to play in it, but, but this is, this is a movement that is actually going to touch all of the nations.

And You know, America has a role to play, Canada has a role to play, you know, I mean, you just look to the nations, they all have a destiny because of the land and because of the covenant that's attached to the land for his purposes. And so, you know, where the enemies come and they've said, we're going to do everything we can to have a peaceful transfer of power, you know, January 6th and January 20th inauguration.

Let me tell you, they may say that with their lips, but it's, it's. Basically, PSYOPs, they, they are saying one thing and they're doing something totally different on the other side and, and they are, they will do whatever they have to, or they're going to try to block, you know, the inauguration of President Trump to come into place and into a position, you know, running, you know, basically flipping this thing over, but I'll also say this, and I'm, you know, this might be going a little bit out on a limb, but I believe that The Lord is calling President Trump to an upgrade.

You know what, you know, there's one thing to be, you know, in a Christian belief system and into the faith, but, you know, we can say, God bless America, we can do, you know, certain things, but I think there's a discipline in the faith that when we lay down our life for Him and we surrender all. And he comes, and when we literally say we got nothing left within us, and we come and we go through baptism, you know, I mean, the death of that old man, you know, in the water, raising up a new man in Christ, you know, through the waters of baptism, and then getting filled with the Holy Spirit, critical, because, you know, I mean, when you have an empowerment of the Holy Spirit within you, now it is the Father bringing a release through us, through our flesh, you know, through our.

Our flesh is as vessels of clay in a way that will impact the nations, impact those that that isn't us. Right. I mean, I mean, we find ourselves in crazy situations that things happen and it's not us. It's the Lord and and through that empowerment of the feeling of the Holy Spirit. So I'm saying that God has got an invitation to President Trump and his family and to those that he's running with.

into a deeper commitment to really, and it is about stewarding what God is bringing into their hands, not only for America, but properly in Kingdom governance for the nations. So, I mean, that's how I'm seeing it. Well, I think you're seeing it spot on. We, we, we both know, and people around President Trump says he's a changed man because he believes that, truly, that God saved him that day in July.

Okay. A Kim Clement, I believe, has a prophecy that President Trump would become baptized in the Holy Spirit being a praying president. That part hasn't come yet. So there needs to be something to transform him, as you said, a promotion to the next level. And that hasn't been done yet, but I know he's willing.

I know he's very intrigued. I'll say this about the, the, the gift of prophecy and I'm told there's two different Prophecy teams are potentially going to be working closely with him for guidance. Yeah. And, and, you know, I, I'm in with that understanding as well, and it needs to be you know, I mean, because, you know, you, you just look through history and you know what, I mean, when, when you see righteousness come to a nation and you see a King that basically honors the Lord, you know, I mean.

I mean, as he, as he comes into that place of surrender in, in that, you know, call as a king, the, you know, there's favor that comes on the land, there's redemption that comes on the land. And so, you know, I think that we have found, you know, the times of shaking, the hard times that drive us to our knees, that are the pruning, that are the fire, they're, you know, kind of burn the stuff out of us.

You know, I think that Place of humility is extremely important, you know, in coming to that place. I'm going to say kind of a brokenness and surrender. And we, we say the, the door is in the floor and often we think we go higher. We go, you know, we take this thing up here. You know, I found in my life that it's actually come more, you know, on my face with the father you know, pressing through, even when, you know, through the good, the bad and the ugly.

And the person that comes to mind immediately when you talk about that is King David. That's exactly what happened to King David. Mm hmm. That's right. And, and you look into what he was entrusted with, and you know, you even look at Solomon, you know what I mean? Out of all the things that Solomon could have asked for, King Solomon, you know, he asked for wisdom.

You know, he asked for wisdom. He could have had the wealth, he could have had, you know, a long life, he could have had all these things, but you know what, he asked for, he asked for wisdom. And, and so I, I say for, you know, all the leaders and all these ones, you know, watching or, you know, that might see this today, you know, whether you're a plumber or whether you're a pipe fitter or a mom or a dad or a grandpa you know, or a president, you know, I mean, We need to have that intimacy with Him.

And that is found in some of the basic principles of the faith. Prayer, Bible reading, fellowship with believers, you know, in a healthy community. So I pray that we would all come into the fullness of that, that we could be the best that we could be. Yep. With him inside us, him leading us, we just being humble servants to, to accomplish his mission, whatever that mission is.

Like Isaiah, here I am Lord, use me. Yeah, that's right. Yeah. He will, he will fill an empty vessel and you know, he won't, he won't withhold at all when you say, Hey, I'm ready, fill me. Just be ready for him to fill you once you say I'm ready, cause he will. That's right. Alright, that's Prophetic Wednesdays.

Go and Shalom.

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