Vehicle Guides Dog On A Busy Road To Safety

6 years ago

Ever since the invention of more efficient transportation, we as humans have been able to travel and send goods at a much faster pace. This is a good thing because faster transportation means we can conduct better business, visit faraway relatives more frequently, and overall just finish up any errands we have around town. However, with this convenient upgrade, there are drawbacks and consequences that have existed for decades. Most vehicles, particularly cars, emit exhaust as a greenhouse gas called CO2 (Carbon Dioxide).

Although it's common knowledge, it's worth reminding everybody that car exhaust gets released into the atmosphere, and it helps create a thick gas blanket over the planet. This isn't a good thing because it causes global warming, which can drastically change the Earth's temperatures and environments (Perhaps you remember hearing about melting glaciers at some point?). Another drawback to increased use of vehicles is dangerous traffic, especially in areas where animals are present. An estimated one million animals are killed by cars per day in the US. That is a scary number when you think of how many days there are in a year--which equates to a devastating amount of dead animals. There is an upside to this however, and it's thanks to safe and careful drivers like the one in the video.

Slow roads may not be frequent sites for roadkill, but you can definitely count on seeing a dreadful sight on a busy one. Most of the time these occurrences are accidents, other times it is the result of drivers who would care less about any animals they hit, unless its a dear that totaled their car. In the video, there appears to be a white dog running along a busy road.

Given the traffic and especially the highway-like structure, this dog would have more than likely been run over had it not been for the person driving in the video. The driver noticed the dog and understood the situation, so he slowly followed it until it was safe and away from the road. We wonder whether or not the dog belonged to someone, and how happy they would be to know that someone out there saved their beloved dog from becoming a victim. Or, if the dog doesn't belong to anyone, we hope that perhaps he will be found by a shelter, which can then give him the opportunity to be adopted.

While being able to drive may give us more freedom and easier transportation, there is quite a lot that we must take into consideration before we take to the roads, especially when it comes to driving safely and responsibly so that no one gets hurt. Not everyone will see to reason when it comes to following the rules of the road, and it is these very same people that are involved in most accidents that take place. Those of you that do see reason, even if a few, can still make a difference.

Always be sure to wear your seat belts and follow road safety regulations and rules, stop for pedestrians and small animals, and make sure to follow posted speed limits. If possible, also make an effort to find other modes of transportation that won't put as much, if at all, exhaust fumes into our atmosphere as it will be healthier for the environment. We hope that the good character of the driver in the video can motivate everyone to become better drivers themselves and to have more awareness of the dangers that come along with vehicles.

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