Every Rejected Book Of The Bible Explained in 10 Minutes!!!

1 day ago

Every Rejected Book Of The Bible Explained in 10 Minutes!!!
"Rejected Books of the Bible"—ancient texts that were not included in the official biblical canon. These are books that may have been valued by certain early Christian or Jewish communities, but for various reasons, they didn’t make it into the final version of the Bible as we know it today. While some of these writings contain fascinating stories and teachings, they were either considered non-canonical or held views that conflicted with mainstream theology. Stick around to learn more about these intriguing, often forgotten works!
Pseudepigrapha: Writings falsely attributed to biblical figures or times. They often claim to be written by famous prophets or leaders but were composed long after those individuals lived.
Apocrypha: A collection of ancient books found in some versions of the Bible, especially in the Catholic and Orthodox traditions, but considered non-canonical or hidden by others.
Canonical Books: Books that are accepted as divinely inspired and authoritative in the Bible.
Esoteric Texts: Writings that contain hidden or secret knowledge, often meant for a select group of people.
Deuterocanonical: Books that are included in some biblical canons but not in others, particularly in Catholic Bibles, but excluded from the Hebrew Bible and Protestant Bibles.

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