MASSIVE Fallout Over Fallen Ministers Has Starmer Reeling!

1 month ago

Right, so last night we had the news that Starmer’s corruption minister, Tulip Siddiq, who has been accused of being involved in rampant corruption by association with her mother and her aunt, the now deposed Prime Minister of Bangladesh Sheikh Hasina, has quit the government. The accusation as have been covered previously on this channel have involved a multibillion pound potential fraud involving the construction of a new power station in Bangladesh by Russia, Siddiq was said to have negotiated that deal.
Her departure comes after Keir Starmer had already confessed his full confidence in Siddiq, a loyalist, a right winger, a red Tory as she is, exactly Starmer’s sort, but given the scale of what Sidiq is accused of and the most recent developments in this case, when you contrast hat with someone the mainstream media have regarded as a lefty in Starmer’s government, a laugh frankly, as if anyone on the left would ever make the Starmer front bench, but even somebody viewed as more left than Starmer’s usual kind, such as Louise Haigh, and the fact she didn’t apparently have his confidence and resigned over a mobile phone has hammered yet another nail in the coffin of the rampant division and factionalism that is endemic in Starmer’s party, that he’ll seemingly back someone accused of playing a part in a multibillion pound embezzlement, but abandon someone for by what in comparison is a very minor misdemeanour indeed and just how far right Starmer has dragged the party should be something everyone is asking themselves.
Right, so corruption minister Tulip Siddiq has quit, Keir Starmer wasn’t going to sack her despite the massive scale of the crime involved, skimming cash off the top of a multibillion pound power station deal allegedly, that Siddiq also allegedly was involved in negotiating on behalf of a foreign power. That he auntie and her mother led that foreign power notwithstanding, Siddiq is British born, has always publicly distanced herself from that regime and the Awami League government, despite happily resourcing British Awami League supporters to help her get elected as an MP at each and every election and seemingly getting housed more than adequately shall we say, by people linked to that same regime and the leader of that, Siddiq’s auntie, Sheikh Hasina, now living in exile in India.
Involvement in embezzlement and yet Starmer continued to have confidence in his corruption minister, the optics are as horrible as they deserve to be, Starmer either too weak or too unwilling to sack someone of his own faction, more than happy to sack or suspend rotten lefties from the party for voting against keeping kids in poverty of course though. Had no problem with that.
Nonetheless, Siddiq has now quit, now deciding that all of this business with her aunt and these houses she’s got are now a distraction for government and I’m sure they are a distraction, people are certainly asking how can somebody accused of so much impropriety, still be confidently backed to act as the government corruption minister, her resignation letter was published in full on Twitter by Siddiq herself, accompanied by a tweet saying:
‘An independent review has confirmed that I have not breached the Ministerial Code and there is no evidence to suggest I have acted improperly. Nonetheless, to avoid distraction for the Government, I have resigned as City Minister.’
Now the Independent adviser on ministerial standards, Sir Laurie Magnus did the review, he found no impropriety regarding the properties that Siddiq has, of which there are none that I could find either, though the suspicious links remain and when you get gifted things like flats for help your family had previously given and who your family are, it still looks bad even if it was all above board.
Besides that, the independent adviser role, since the time of Rishi Sunak, were to report directly to him and only on the specific remit given by the Prime Minister. I’m under no impression that hardline tightening up of the role has been relaxed under Starmer, I’ve not heard or seen that that has happened, though please do correct me if I’m wrong.
Siddiq’s resignation letter details she was investigated over those houses and her links to her family, where she has apparently always recused herself from matters pertaining to Bangladesh, but none of that actually hits home to the real problem here and that is the accusation by Bangladeshi investigators that she has been involved in a massive multibillion pound fraud. The ethics adviser’s investigation did however berate her for not being more alert to the reputational risk to the government concerning these matters and that this was regrettable. Tough talking stuff.
However, I’m sure it’s just coincidence that her resignation happened to coincide with news dropping that Bangladesh have formally filed a criminal case against Siddiq now, the accusation being that she used her position as an MP here, in order to acquire land in Bangladesh and just for a change I have to give props for a change to mainstream outlet here for covering this, well a stopped is right twice a day after all, as the Guardian have exposed the filing of that case against Siddiq, an excerpt reading:
‘On Monday, Bangladesh’s anti-corruption commission (ACC) said it had filed a case against Hasina and her wider family over an alleged large-scale land grab of lucrative plots in a suburb of the capital, Dhaka. The case named the former prime minister as well as Siddiq.
“Sheikh Hasina, in collaboration with some officials, allocated plots for herself and her family members,” said the ACC director general, Akhter Hossain. “The ACC investigation team has obtained the necessary documents and found sufficient evidence to file the cases.”
In the police report detailing the alleged corruption, filed by the ACC deputy director, Mohammad Salahuddin, it said Siddiq “became aware” of a deal orchestrated by Hasina that allotted large plots of land in Dhaka to family members.
It alleged that, while serving as a UK member of parliament, Siddiq then “used her special influence and authority to pressure and influence her aunt, Ms Sheikh Hasina” to arrange similar land allocations for Siddiq’s mother, sister and brother. The evidence for these claims, it added, was “revealed from various sources”.’
So now it is less about a power station, more about a land grab in Dhaka, and allegations of a cut me in one the deal attitude by Siddiq. Well I daresay that would be distracting to the government here wouldn’t it?
But where that might have been the final straw prompting her to resign, Starmer evidently having no intention of sacking her, someone seen as being to the left of her, but by no means being a lefty herself at all, Louise Haigh, brings all of this back to Starmer’s rampant and unapologetic factionalism.
I’ve already brought up the actual left wing MPs he’s suspended and who remain suspended still over voting against keeping kids in poverty, what Labour is meant to stand for, but never can with all these red Tories in it and in control, but when you compare this matter of Siddiq’s to the mobile phone fraud committed by Louise Haigh, that she’s already admitted to previously, that was already a matter of record, that Starmer was already aware of, at least that was the implication given in Haigh’s resignation, but where Siddiq has had a month of Starmer’s public support, Haigh got none.
The issue for Louise Haigh goes back to 2013, when she got mugged and upon reporting this to the police, she listed her work mobile phone amongst her possessions taken, only to later find said phone back at her house. By not reporting the finding of the phone immediately, Haigh got done for fraud. She was wrong clearly, but where she resigned the following morning that all of this had come out, Siddiq’s much bigger scandal has rumbled on for a month and a month where she’s had public support.
Was it simply a right wing versus not so right wing MP here? Is Starmer’s dislike of the left so bad, even centrists get the boot? Well it didn’t help that an unnamed MP who came I under Blair, implied it was because Haigh was northern and working class that she got the boot too, Starmer’s superiority complex and detachment from the working class, preferring to mix with the wealthy, the WEF and famous, and certainly Siddiq comes from that kind of family, speaking even larger volumes and when he supposedly leads the party of the working class, this should ring alarm bells for anyone still under the delusion that this guy wants to represent you in any way, shape or form.
Tulip Siddiq should have gone a month ago. That she was allowed to resign after all this time shows Starmer’s weakness and that honour amongst supposedly honourable ministers, is non existent these days.
For more on the housing side of Siddiq’s corruption problems, if you’ve not read up on all of those links which just added to all of the suspicion and really ought to have been screaming at Starmer’s people that there could be trouble here if only because of how it all looked, all those links once more to her aunts regime, then check out this video recommendation here as your suggested next watch. Please do also hit like, share and subscribe if you haven’t already done so to ensure you don’t miss out on new daily content and help support the channel at the same time, that is very much appreciated and I’ll hopefully catch you on the next vid. Cheers folks.

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