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Exposing the Base and Database of the Wicked – Psalm 74:20
Exposing the Base and Database of the Wicked – Psalm 74:20
Habitations of Cruelty EXPOSED!
What's Hiding in the Base of the Wicked?
STOP Ignoring the Database of Evil!
The Dark Truth About the Wicked's Lair Revealed
Unveiling the Habitations of Cruelty – The Base and Database of the Wicked
Psalm 74:20 Revelation: The Base and Database of the Wicked
Dark Places of the Earth: The Base and Database of the Wicked
Psalm 74:20 Explained: The Base and Database of the Wicked
God bless you in Jesus' name. We're dealing with what I call the base and the database of the wicked. Dealing with the base and the database of the wicked, it is good to listen very carefully so that you understand why you are here.
In Psalm 74:20, "Have respect unto the covenant; for the dark places of the earth are full of the habitations of cruelty." So there are habitations of wickedness and cruelty. Those habitations are known as the base. The Bible knows that darkness has habitations; they have places where they settle.
That's why this kind of prayer in Psalm 69:25 becomes very relevant this evening. "Let their habitation be desolate; and let none dwell in their tents." Sisters, are we ready? Seven hot stands, let's go: "Let their habitation be desolate." Number one, number two, number three, number four, number five, number six, and now number seven. You can see the manner of prayer that is being prayed against the habitations of darkness. In fact, this one is not ordinary prayer; it's a cursing prayer, cursing the habitation. There must be somebody tonight who is ready to pronounce the curse of God on the habitations assigned against your destiny. That kind of person will issue those curses tonight, and the habitation shall be no more in the name of Jesus.
What is a base? It is a place of evil counsel, a place of evil plans, a place where rules and strategy against any opposition or plan to gain prisoners are formed. It is a place of reestablishment of diplomatic ties over ancestral links. You have broken those ancestral ties before. The base is where they struggle to reestablish what you have broken. The base is where they sit down to mobilize demons for effective control of people's lives. This is why I'm decreeing against the enemy of somebody that every habitation of cruelty from your father's house, every habitation of cruelty from your mother's house, shall be rendered desolate in the name of Jesus.
The base is where they program their victims to renew old covenants, to revive old rituals. The base is a place of motivation, mobilization, and supervision of demons. The base is a place of instruction and information. No wonder that aggressive prayer came out: "Let their habitation become desolate; let there be no one to dwell in it." I speak unto your destiny, and every habitation threatening your destiny is rendered desolate now in the name of Jesus. Let that be like thunder.
The base is a place of evil programming. It is a place of programmed arrows; they construct arrows and fire the arrows. They construct arrows and tailor them to achieve certain things, and it happens in the person's life. It is a place where they set temptations and traps for people. That's why the Bible calls it the habitations of cruelty. What they are planning there is wickedness. No wonder the Bible also says the whole world lies in wickedness. Wickedness is what they are doing there, and it's all over the place. It doesn't matter where you come from; there are wicked souls, wicked spirits, and wicked people who operate in a terrible way.
The base is a place of evil follow-up. The base is a library, a library of ancient rites by ancient fathers which the enemies are using to their advantage. So when you start to pray, they consult the library to see whether you are entitled or not, whether there was somebody in your family line who made a decision before you were born that you're not supposed to have this. The base is a place where the enemy steals people's virtues.
Listen, beloved: every demon belongs to a particular base. There is a place they came from. Whether it's a spirit wife, spirit husband, or whatever name you call it, the demon has a base. Because they have a base, it means they also operate under some form of authority; their actions are subject to instructions and developments in that base.
Sometimes somebody under torment might find that one particular night everything was okay—no torment, no affliction—and they thought everything was over, not knowing that what happened is that they summoned them to their base to brief them better on what to do. The next day, they resume the attack. I'm praying for somebody: anything that empowers the enemy to resume the attack in your life shall be destroyed now in the name of Jesus.
Listen, beloved: therefore, to defeat a particular demon, you must be able to detect its base. Inability to detect this will lead to prolonged battle. If you render a demon useless, the base can still send a replacement. So, detecting that base and dealing with it is the first step to permanent victory.
What are these detection strategies? When you are dreaming of a particular location very often, you are dreaming of places of birth, of locations in your town or village very frequently. You are dreaming of visiting a shrine or a river frequently. Those repeated dreams you are having, or common dreams, will help you to know the enemy's base. Those constant places you are visiting in your dream, if you take those things seriously, they are the first suspect where you want to deal with the base.
I had a very brilliant friend. He did very well in Nigeria. He traveled for a PhD. He did year one, year two, and he was supposed to finish in year three. All of a sudden, these dreams started. He would dream of the crossroads in front of their house in Nigeria. He would find himself in the dream just roaming around that place. He roamed around and roamed around until he woke up. He didn't understand the dream because the church he was going to believed in holiness within and without, but they didn't believe or know how to deal with satanic encounters. He didn't understand, and he didn't want to tell people.
One day, a week before he was to defend his thesis, he took his bag, took his passport, and left. He went back home. It was when he arrived at the family house that he said, "Mommy, how did I get here? I'm supposed to be defending my PhD." They were surprised to find him there. What happened was that the base was what he was seeing, where they were summoning him: "Get out of your destiny, get out of your progress, get out of your potential, get out of your moving forward."
I'm praying for anyone here who has a base like that, summoning you to come out—come out of your destiny, come out of your testimony, come out of your breakthrough. Let that base catch fire in the name of Jesus. Catch fire, catch fire, catch fire, catch fire, catch fire, catch fire, catch fire in the name of Jesus. Say, "Every base of darkness in my place of birth, catch fire in the name of Jesus." In Jesus' name, we pray.
One way you can detect the enemy's base is through the dreams you are having. Your dream life is your spiritual monitor; it tells you what's going on in your life in the spirit realm.
Two, names. You need to research the name you bear. That name you bear can be a good source of detecting the enemy's base. Names that have occultic backgrounds can be a base of the enemy. Names are important to God and to devils as well. This is why in the Bible children are not sometimes named on the day they are born or on the eighth day. Their name would have come before they were sometimes even conceived. Before they were even conceived, the angel would say, "You shall deliver a son, and you shall call his name John." No pregnancy yet, but already he has a name because God knew that name. The name you are bearing, if it is a name recorded in the base of the enemy, you will have trouble. So by the time you trace the origin or the sources of these names, you may end up discovering the source as an ancient demon or idol power.
Some women have come from clean name backgrounds; they now marry a husband with a dark, terrible, wicked name background, and they put their names under that canopy, and attacks start.
Another way you can detect the enemy's base is your thoughts and your imagination. The Bible says, "Though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh; for the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds." Thoughts and imaginations that are against God are strongholds. Demons of thoughts and imagination can be a base.
The fourth way you may detect a base is research and investigation. Carry out research and investigation. The enemy's base can be detected through research or investigation—research about your ancestors, including their occupations, their religions, their common behaviors. You may need to ask plenty of questions in order to know where you are in this matter.
So much for the base. How about the database? A database is an organized collection of data. It's a store of organized information. It's a large storehouse of information. It's an updatable storage of information.
It is a fact that in the bases of cruelty; The archives and base of darkness exist. It is time for you and me to pray that the Almighty should send fire from heaven to destroy every satanic database, every satanic book, and every satanic file that contains information about our destiny—past, present, and future. We must destroy their data concerning our future, family, and ancestry.
It is time for us to pray that the acts of God should destroy every information system reporting us to the dark world. We must pray that the fire of God should burn to ashes every information system of every sort, every level, every order, and every rank in the name of Jesus. We need to release the fire of God upon any system trying to upload information of our past, present, future, and destiny into their system.
We must pray aggressive prayers to destroy information stored inside cauldrons and astral altars. It is time to release the thunder and lightning of God upon the memory bank of the enemy so that every work of iniquity they have against us, whether in domestic wickedness camps or the camps of enchanters and diviners, be destroyed completely. We must release confusion and destruction upon every evil gathering summoned for our sake. It is time to crush every demonic enforcer sent to gather and report new information about us in the dark world. We must issue the curse of God upon the works of the enemy.
Beloved, without information, no enemy can successfully operate. Thieves do not operate without information. This is why I am praying for somebody: those powers downloading your information to the enemy shall scatter unto desolation. They shall scatter unto desolation in the name of Jesus.
To deal with the base and the database, you need to be born again. It is important, not negotiable. You need spiritual inquiry to find out where you are from. One question you need to answer very quickly in your life is: Who am I? You need that spiritual inquiry. If you ask that question from heaven, you may discover that you are a prince, while the servants have taken over your house.
You need to renounce all ancestral pacts and break all ancestral covenants and bondages. Finally, you need to attack that base and destroy the database. That's why we're here tonight. We have a few minutes to pray the prayers.
All eyes closed. In case you are not born again, wherever you are, just say what I'm going to say after me. God bless you in the mighty name of the Lord Jesus Christ. If you are watching and listening to us this hour and you are not born again, if you are yet to surrender your life to the Lord Jesus Christ, wherever you are, just raise up your right hand and say what I'm going to say after me: "Father, in the name of Jesus, I come before you. Lord Jesus, come into my life. Take control of my life from now on. I say bye-bye to the devil. I enter into the kingdom of light in the mighty name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen."
Father, I thank you for your children who have joined this program. Meet each and every one at the point of their needs. Do great, marvelous, wondrous, and outstanding things in their lives in the mighty name of Jesus. In Jesus' name, we pray. Amen.
Father, I thank you for those who have surrendered their lives to Jesus Christ in this program. Father, bless them mightily in the name of Jesus. Father, lay your hands upon their lives. In Jesus' name, we pray. Amen.
If you have surrendered your life to Jesus in this program, you've made the most important decision in life, and I rejoice with you. For more information, counseling, and prayers, kindly send your name, address, and phone number to the WhatsApp number displayed on the screen. You can also send us an email with the details displayed on the screen, and we will get across to you shortly. God bless you in Jesus' name. Amen.
All eyes closed. If you cannot muster sufficient anger, you may not be able to succeed in the prayer tonight. The enemy cannot operate without information. When some powers are spreading your information all over the place, you should not take it easy with them. If they call up your face in their crystal ball, either you don't show up, or the face of Jesus shows up, or their own face will show up. You need to destroy the memory bank so they don't even know who you are anymore.
That was what happened to those who came to arrest Elisha. When they got to Elisha, they said, "Excuse me, sir, we're looking for Elisha." They were asking Elisha where Elisha was, but he said, "He is not here; follow me, let me take you to him." And he arrested a whole army. May your prayer arrest the army today in the name of Jesus.
Shout this with boiling anger: "Face of the enemy monitoring my destiny, catch fire in the name of Jesus."
Something is happening already.
Base of the enemy monitoring my destiny, catch fire in the name of Jesus. In Jesus' name, we pray.
That's better, that's better. This is the kind of prayer that makes the imagination of the enemy fail. They can't even recollect who they want to attack. Can you shout this again, loud and clear: "Memory bank of my enemy, catch fire in the name of Jesus." Yes, destroy their memory banks.
In Jesus' name, we pray.
The next three prayers you need to pray with boiling anger: "I push the enemy inside the grave dug for me." Can you say it loud and clear? Let your voice be louder. In the name of Jesus, push them inside the grave dug for you. In Jesus' name, we pray.
Every witchcraft computer fashioned against me, crash in the name of Jesus. Crash their computers!
In Jesus' name, we pray.
By fire, by force, I delete my information from any satanic database in the name of Jesus. I delete my information from any satanic database in the name of Jesus.
In Jesus' name, we pray.
Stretch your right hand toward this altar and let your amen roar like thunder as I pray: Father, in the name of Jesus. Father, in the name of Jesus. These hands that are stretched forward, let these hands carry the power of God. Let them carry deliverance power, let them carry healing power. Let the blood of Jesus soak these hands in the name of Jesus.
Any sick part in your body, this is the time to smite it mercilessly, and as you smite it, you will say, "Get out in the name of Jesus." Let's go. Do it now. Something is happening there, a miracle that will shock your doctors and surprise your enemies. It's happening, it's happening, it's happening. Aha, that's it, that's it. Do it again, well, that's right.
Amen. Thank you, Jesus. Thank you, Jesus.
Father, I thank you for the children who have joined this great physician hour. I thank you for what you have done for them in this edition. I thank you for the power in the blood of Jesus. I thank you for the victory won on the cross of Calvary. I give you all the glory in the name of Jesus. I decree and declare that it shall be well with you. I decree and declare that no weapon formed against your destiny shall prosper. I decree and declare that you go from strength to strength and from glory to glory. I decree and declare that by the time we gather in this program again, you will be a bigger bundle of testimonies. Thank you, Heavenly Father. In Jesus' name, we pray. Amen, amen, amen.
God bless you in Jesus' name. See you again next time.
Let us share the grace in fellowship: "The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God, and the sweet fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with us now and forevermore. Amen. Surely, goodness and mercy shall follow us all the days of our lives, and we shall dwell in the house of the Lord forever and ever. Amen."
For those who believe that the Lord has answered their prayers, let them shout seven glorious hallelujahs. Hallelujah!
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