Dual Sport Ride Big Frog Loop - Holly Creek - Tumbling Creek from North Dalton 12-26-24 Part 1

1 month ago

Getting one last dual sport ride in before the top of the mountain closes in the Cohutta Wildnerness for winter. We left out from north Dalton and went in the Holly Creek entrance on CCC Camp Rd in Eton, GA onto Old CCC Camp Rd, Three Forks Rd, Tumbling Creek Rd, Peavine Sheeds Cr Rd, Big Frog 221, Big Frog 62, back to Jack's River and out to 411 at Cisco ( the rock church). We were a little pushed for time but only 1 minor whammy to start the day and the rest was smooth sailing. The camera did lose the battery around Tumbling Creek so that is the last footage we got. KLX 300 DS, Honda 250 rally, and KTM 500.

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