Asked of the Lord | 1 Samuel 1: 9-28

1 month ago

Having been introduced to the characters and the historical backdrop, we discovered a family residing during the era of the judges. Samuel emerged at a parallel time to Samson, both boys were conceived as miraculous gifts and destined to deliver Israel from the clutches of their adversaries. This week, we focus on Hannah, who was grieving while in the sanctuary of God, burdened by a sister-wife, and feeling abandoned by the Lord. Despite her affliction, she found solace in the presence of the Lord, fervently pleading for His favor and a son, a son she would dedicate to the Lord and His house. Samuel was the first Saul, the authentic Saul—the one “asked of the Lord.” In this narrative, Hannah exemplifies piety and anticipation, seeking the Lord’s will for her deepest desire—a son who could serve the Lord in His house. God answered her prayer, and once the boy was weaned, Samuel was dedicated as a Nazirite, destined to lead Israel despite their persistent rebellions. All men yearn for a deliverer, and the measure of one’s righteousness is tied to the kind of deliverer one seeks.

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