WHAT can WE DO for the upliftment of our WORLD Inner-Earth Fae Antpeople

13 days ago

Elphie speaks : Fae, Ant-People, Inner Earth, Interdimensional Folk

What they do, how they do it, what we can do for our World?
how can I be involved, how can I connect to Greater power- Earth, my Full-Soul-SelfGod/Source-Energy, to influence the upliftment of the general atmosphere, of our world, so that GOODNESS prevails. -And the darkness has to evaporate and leave.

The video is real live footage of Elphie and her friends on her sky-bike. Slowed to 10% of actual speed, taken with an iPhone 5S taken on 19th October 2024 (1,1,8= 1 ;))

I read a transcript from a written communication with Elphie on 12th December 2024 and then from Telepathic conversations with her.

8.50 What is your relation to Christ 22nd December 2024

12.36 the “Christ shield” the memory-holding, higher level harmony, peace, contentment, peace, stringent, love, seeming-miraculous

14.14 the whale also holding this…

14.44 Conversation about Christmas- held for the benefit for my three and a half year old granddaughter Ellie

17.11 Human sacrifice: how to clear it and how to stop it. Conversation with my full soul self, with Amma- the Earth and with Elphie conversation help on 7th January 2025

20.11 Let’s start from the human consciousness level down

21.11 Speaking with Amma the Earth “The rope of humanity is leading away from the days of chaos into something of more hope; a river of light.
The beam is shining stronger now. The fluctuation of release is a good thing.
This idea spreading, of releasing the pores, unblocking the pores, allowing forth the energy. This is good, we continue with this. Don't give up on that!”

22.29 Speaking with own full soul I see the elementals and their role in change:
“Upon this Earth, many dark, despicable deeds are done -are still carried out.
I call to all the Nature Beings.
I call to all the Elemental Beings affected and witnessing the darkness,
to turn over this darkness, to disrupt this dark practice wherever it may be.

There are directed-energy-weapons of what we call the deep-state,
which have been designed to be specifically targeted to an individual, a vehicle, or a building.
Let us now be specific in target to the dark ones' practices and their dwellings.

There are still some living on the surface.

Elemental beings of wind, -the air, of water -the clouds, -the waters, of earth -the rock, -the soil, -that which builds the roots, holds the foundations of the buildings:
I call you now, to awaken from a slumber in this department
and I call you now to remove, reduce and restore these places to neutral,
that no harm may be created there any longer.

There is even bestiality. There are certain farms with animals.
There are certain farms with humans.
There are spots that I would never want to see….
and I command now the natural elements, the elemental beings, to work now and the reason I give:
When we remove these dark practices and entities, the atmosphere in which you
(the humans, the elementals the inner earth beings), weave your energy, is lighter and brighter
You win. We win. The Earth may open up, tremors may occur, winds may tear at the buildings, rain may drown them out, -whatever it requires to disrupt.

There is power within the elemental group, and we know you are beings.
You must know that too, in all your awe and majesty:

understanding, that one dwelling of darkness, may be used as the center point from which many others spread out.
Target yourselves there.
Do not spread to the innocents, they must be guarded and protected.”

25.10 Amma (the Earth) speaking: "We have held back in our realms, caught in our own battles.
We want to say, ‘time is wearing thin’.
(Check that phrase on gematria.org 203 "Artificial Intelligence, Heart Attacks can be deadly, Love is true might, Unlimited knowledge, Unforseen problem, Q is lifting the veil, What is God telling me? Very very soon, Monarch Programming, Believe the unbelievable, love God love people, Solar eclipse winds, The code of completion, Great awakening reset, …very illuminating!)

26.11 Elphie on this: "Taciturn days are over.
The majority does need to accept. This is practicing, (dark sacrificial) ongoing in many places. Once you accept it and acknowledge, that's the clearing.

How do you bring people to acceptance? They understand very much the stories within their own families of hidden information:
that which was said and not said, that which was broadcast and shared to the world,
-and not.
The White Hats have asked for revelations in certain key moments, it is what they have hoped for. For that to be the turning tide for understanding to be accomplished, the understanding that is still to be found is this, ‘insidiousness’ within families.
A browbeaten female- or male.
It is almost as if everyone will suddenly, suddenly one day stand up and say,” enough of this structural authoritarianism ! Enough of this telling me what I may do or may not do, and when I may do it, and how I must get paid for it, and what I must pay for it ! Enough of this !”
And how will that come about?
It has been the secret hope for a while, yet understanding the frequency-battles at war against this, so that the inversion prevails,…prevails supported by all structures of the system. The money was one of the fastest to hold everything together like a glue."

27.37 This is an, introduction to think, to feel, “how can I be involved, how can I connect to Greater power- Earth, my Full-Soul-SelfGod/Source-Energy, to influence the upliftment of the general atmosphere, of our world, so that GOODNESS prevails. -And the darkness has to evaporate and leave.

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