Crossout Operation Blacklight Quick tips

1 month ago

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Here we go Crossout operation blacklight quick tips. sssssss speed.

Use a fast cab and wheels, the ravager spiders can go over 100km/h.

The further ahead of your team you are the more screw your team is. Ravager spawns are based on checkpoints.

Avoid this bridge Too many fall.

Ravager tip: Jump here to land at end of bridge.

Lloyd, the boss, is an airship. Not a groundship.

Use appropriate weapons.

He also shots back, so yeah, Long range?

Lloyd use to be super resistant to bullet damage, but now not so much.

Use all the dakaka daka daka you have.

That’s all. BYE.

Wait, don’t use ground drones.

For a Budget Build for operations redlight, radiance, and blacklike, I have a longer video for that.

Swabcraft, swabcraft crossout, swabcraft gaming, crossout, gaming, operation blacklight, crossout operation blacklight, crossout tips, crossout strategy, crossout ravagers, crossout lloyd, crossout bossfight, crossout raid, crossout brawl, crossout guide,

#swabcraft #crossout #operationblacklight #crossoutravagers

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