PHRK visits: Barnaul. Guests. Easter of Christ -23.04.2022-

1 month ago

Danish author and translator Povl H. Riis-Knudsen is traveling in Russia with his Russian wife. In Russia, he is known as Pavel. In 2018, he converted to Orthodoxy in order to marry his Russian wife. He was baptized in the name of the Chief Apostle Paul in the Holy Trinity Alexander Nevsky Lavra in Saint Petersburg.

While traveling, Paul, an Orthodox Dane, writes articles in support of Russia, and his Russian wife Valentina records videos so that their friends from Denmark and other countries can see Russia through their loving eyes. They see this as their mission in this difficult time.
They came to the capital of the Altai region, Barnaul, to celebrate Easter in the Alexander Nevsky Cathedral. The holy God-fearing Alexander Nevsky accompanied them with his support throughout their journey. In Barnaul, their friends came to congratulate them on Easter. According to Orthodox tradition, they gave each other Easter cakes and colored eggs. The resurrection of Christ.

P.S. Russians are very friendly, hospitable and do not want war, but they remember the words of their holy prince Alexander Nevsky: “He who comes to us with a sword will perish by the sword!”

Today, when Europe and America are persecuting everything Russian, Danish author Povl Heinrich Riis-Knudsen publicly says and writes that he is ashamed to be a Danish citizen in the EU going to war against Russia under American patronage. He speaks and writes that today there is only one country fighting against universal evil for the survival of the whole world - that country is Russia. Therefore, all countries in Europe and the world today must come to their senses and help Russia in this endeavor.

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