Extraordinary Extraterrestrial Encounters: Ten True Cases of Landings & Humanoids

12 hours ago

All types of UFO encounters are important and add to our knowledge of this very complex subject. Among the most extraordinary are cases of UFO landings and face-to-face meetings with extraterrestrials. Sightings don’t contain very much data, and the onboard UFO experience often has the issues of missing time, hypnotically-recalled memories, not to mention the fear and trauma that sometimes comes with it. Cases involving landings and humanoids, however, belong to a unique category of encounters that allow witnesses to experience the phenomenon directly and without the issues of missing time.

Here are ten extraordinary cases of alien meetings from across the planet. They reach back into the 1950s and continue up to the 1980s. Most involve multiple witnesses. Many involve compelling physical evidence such as animal reactions, medical effects, electromagnetic disturbances and even landing traces. Most remarkable is the huge variety of humanoids seen, short and tall, skinny and wide, with variations in appearance, clothing and the craft they fly. Each case also contains unique elements in the way the ETs behave. Together they have much to tell us about the nature and origin of the UFO phenomenon and the extraterrestrial agenda on our planet.

MICHELIN MAN ETS. On May 14, 1955, Monsieur Droguet, a professor at the College for Girls in Dinan, France was entering his home when he was struck by a dazzling blue-green beam of light. Looking up, he saw a saucer-shaped object and right below it, two strange humanoids, both dressed in diving uniforms reminiscent of the Michelin Man seen on TV. One actually walked up to the college and peered in one of the windows.

SWIMMING ETS. On the evening of Aug 1, 1962, a group of three sailors in two small boats were in the Mediterranean Sea near SE France when they saw what they at first believed was a foreign submarine. As they watched, nearly a dozen figure in weird wet-suits emerged and climbed onto the “sub.” Moments later it rose up out of the water to reveal itself to be an actual flying saucer. At one point, one of the figures waved at the sailors.

CAR-JACKING EXTRATERRESTRIAL. At 9:30 p.m., on Nov 2, 1967, Guy Tossie and Will Begay drove south on Highway 26 near Ririe, ID when a small saucer dropped down in front of them blocking their way. Inside they saw two very strange-looking humanoids. One floated out of the craft to the men’s car, opened the door and got in the driver’s seat. Moments later, the car moved off the highway and into a field. One of the witnesses ran away in fear while the other stayed in the car and with the ET. It was to be the first of a series of encounters in the area.

THEY LOOKED LIKE SAINTS. In Jan 1968, a family at a plantation in Lagoa Negra, Brazil were confronted by a large landed saucer on their property. They watched in amazement as tall human-looking figures exited the craft, followed by much shorter figures. The short ETs remained under the craft while the tall ones approached the household to within 180 feet, close enough for the witnesses to discern their appearance. To their amazement, the ETs were very beautiful and looked very much like the holy saints of religious history.

THE MILAKOVIC FAMILY ENCOUNTER. On Nov 20, 1968, the Milin Milokovac, his wife Doris, and their young son Slavic went house-hunting in Hanbury, England. Instead, they were amazed to see a giant craft rise up from a field and move over their car. Even more extraordinary, looking through the transparent canopy of the craft, they saw several human-looking figures who seemed to be very busy.

TEN-FOOT-TALL HUMANOIDS. On Apr 14, 1971, Dennis Donaldson and his fiancée, Marion Lang were driving through Callery, PA when they noticed a bright light pacing their car. As it darted around, it eventually came very low and close, revealing itself to be a metallic saucer-shaped craft. The couple pulled over to get a closer-look and were awed to see windows in the craft, through which they could see 10-foot-tall humanoids.

ETS IN THE FRONT YARD. On Jun 9, 1971, Esther Clappison stepped out of her home in Rosedale, Alberta, Canada and was shocked to see a squarish-looking craft had landed only 200 feet away in front of her home. It had a huge picture window through which she could see two strangely dressed figures. Outside the craft, another figure was picked up stones. Esther ran back inside to get some more witnesses, but the craft disappeared, leaving behind some very weird marks on the ground.

MINIATURE UFO AND HUMANOIDS. On Jun 19, 1979, Allan and Maila of Rauma, Finland saw a tiny saucer-shaped object landed right near their home. Maila exited her house and walked up next to the craft. Looking inside, she saw two very weird miniature humanoids busy with a control console. As she reached out to tap on the craft, the humanoids both turned and looked at her.

THE RUNNING ALIENS. On Jul 25, 1979, Federico Ibanez went to pick grapes from his vineyard in Turis, Spain when he drove right up to a landed UFO blocking the road. Staring in shock, he saw two bizarrely-dressed humanoids running at high speed from behind a tree and into the craft.

IT FOLLOWED US HOME. On Dec 29, 1981, two boys from Onsted, MI were playing in their backyard when a UFO hovered overhead. Moments later, a humanoid came floating toward them. They ran away in fear, only to discover that the humanoid followed them. It was to be an encounter that would affect them profoundly for a long time afterwards.

As extraordinary and bizarre as these cases may appear, they are all true, fully investigated and often supported by multiple witnesses and physical evidence. Although each case is different, they also share remarkable commonalities which lend an additional level of corroboration. Mostly they show how truly extraordinary the UFO phenomenon is and that ET craft are landing all over the world.

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