Red note is a CCP intelligence platform

1 month ago

There are many voices which started to call and welcome you to join Red Note! Let me tell you this: Red Note is not an English social media platform, why do the American TikTok users join Red Note? This is a question! What does the CCP want to use the propaganda for? We very welcome you to join Gettr! You can see the truth and more interesting life on this platform!
Please share more here, here is your future!

有很多声音在呼唤欢迎你加入小红书~我告诉你:小红书不是英文社交媒体平台,为什么美国的TikTok用户都加入小红书?这是一个问题!中共想利用这些宣传来做什么? 我们非常欢迎您加入Gettr! 在这个平台上你可以看到真相,看到更多有趣的生活! 请在这里分享更多,这里是你的未来!

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