The FDA has BANNED the use of Red Dye No. 3, which is used in thousands of food products!

14 hours ago

JUST IN: The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has banned the use of Red Dye No. 3, which is used in thousands of food products and is made from petroleum.

Red Dye No. 3 has been linked to cancer in animals. The dye give beverages and foods a bright red cherry color.

“The dye is still used in thousands of foods, including candy, cereals, cherries in fruit cocktails and strawberry-flavored milkshakes,” NBC reported.

Food manufacturers have until January 15, 2027 to fix their products.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has been a strong advocate for removing dyes from food products, specifically Yellow Dye No. 5 and Red Dye No. 40.

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