RPR ‘G-Man In Absentia’ Show [W] 15-Jan-2025 with Davis Lurmann (Scorpio)

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RPR ‘G-Man In Absentia’ Show (Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays until after Jan. 24, 2025)
This is a temporary show, ‘G-Man In Absentia’, provided until G-Man returns.
To support G-man go to www.rtidemedia.com/donations or visit G-Man on FTJ Media.
To support Davis, go to FTJ (listen & donate/‘super-chats’): https://ftjmedia.com/channel/Davis
BMC: www.buymeacoffee.com/davislurmann
To follow or contact Davis, go to X (formerly ‘Twitter’): https://x.com/DavisLurmann
Gmail: davislurmann@gmail.com
Support what you want to see more of in the world – what you don’t support goes away.

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