Did James O'Keefe Just Foil a January Seven Days In May?

1 month ago

Did James O'Keefe just accidentally save us from a possible military coup directed against President Trump during his inauguration or soon afterwards? Think I'm exaggerating? Well, check out his latest video exposing Trump hating Joint Chiefs of Staff advisor Jamie Mannina who suffers from extreme TDS. In addition, Mannina was caught on tape bragging about meeting with the JCS for a top secret meeting supposedly about Artificial Intelligence in the high security room in the Pentagon called the Tank. What makes this especially suspicious is the speed at which the JCS announced the firing of Mannina just about an hour after O'Keefe's video aired after working hours. Have you ever heard of such incredibly fast reaction due to a previous O'Keefe video. It is almost as if the JCS panicked that their "Seven Days In May" scenario was publicly exposed so they had to IMMEDIATELY dump Mennina in order to allay any suspicion of an impending military coup. Sorry, but the light speed firing of Mennina actually has the opposite effect. Oh, and is "Artificial Intelligence" the new "Ecomcon?"

And anybody thinking this theory is too wild to consider, may I present former Chairman of the JCS, General Mark Milley, who treacherously worked behind Trump's back to contact the Chinese to let them know of any top secret plans against them.

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