Streets of Laredo - Cowboy Folk Song - Outro Commentary

1 month ago

"In this video", we sing the classic cowboy ballad, The Streets Of Laredo with guitar accompaniment employing simple cowboy guitar chords in 3/4 time. Mosey on up and lend us an ear to hear this American traditional folk song and timeless classic. We almost talk your ear off at the end. We say `we` because we hear a lot of other YouTubers saying we a lot even though they are the only ones in the video. They also say, please like, subscribe and give me money so `we` can keep producing this content. We wont go that fer.

Streets Of Laredo - lyrics

As I walked out in the streets of Laredo
As I walked out in Laredo one day,
I spied a poor cowboy, all dressed in white linen
All dressed in white linen and cold as the clay.

"I see by your outfit, that you are a cowboy."
These words he did say as I slowly passed by.
"Come sit down beside me and hear my sad story
I`m shot in the breast and I know I must die."

"'It`s once in the saddle I used to go dashing,
'It`s once in the saddle I rode all day.
First down to card house, and then to the whore house,
Got shot in the chest and I`m dying today."

"Get six jolly cowboys to carry my coffin,
Get six pretty maidens to bear up my pall.
Put bunches of roses all over my coffin,
Roses to deaden the clods as they fall."

"Oh, beat the drum slowly and play the fife lowly,
And play the death march as you carry me along;
Take me to the green valley, there lay the sod o'er me,
For I'm a young cowboy and I know I've done wrong."

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