A Divine Perspective on Chaos Part 1

1 month ago

Sometimes we get stuck in what we think we know, and all of a sudden God does something that we're like, wait a minute. I never expected that. I talked about this a few months ago now, but let's go to chapter two because I want to remind you this, this is important for you to remember this.
Go to Job 2:3. This is the Lord here responding to Satan when Job is about to lose his health and has already lost everything else. “And the Lord said to Satan, ‘Have you considered my servant Job? For there is no one like him on the earth, a blameless and upright man, fearing God and turning away from evil. And he still holds fast in integrity. Although you incited me against him to ruin him without cause.”
You see, in heaven, in the cosmos, and in the order of God. God had determined that Job was going to suffer without cause. God just never send that memo to Job or Bildad or Eliphaz. So, God knows what he's doing in his ordered world, but out here, its chaos, isn't it?
And I think one of the biggest arguments that people have against God is the argument of evil in the world. And in their minds, they see the evil that's happening in the world. And they're saying, “well, I don't want to serve that kind of God. He has all this power. He has all this might, and yet he can't do anything with evil in the world.”

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