Product Safety Versus Product Dangers

30 days ago

(found on Dr. Judy's transcripts: )

"Probably the greatest challenge a products liability lawyer has in bringing a new case is something called the Daubert standard. In theory, it all makes sense. The legal system wants to ensure good science is presented in the courtroom. Lawyers are not scientists. However, there is much more money provided by corporations to scientists wanting to show the safety of their products rather than their danger. I don't think there's a single person who can reasonably dispute that claim.
If you are making a new claim regarding the danger of a product, you need to be sure you have some solid science. Because once a decision is made under the Daubert standard, it may be several years until a court will let you reopen the issue. There you are, as the attorney with these clients who believe a certain product harmed them, and you also believe it to be true based on the evidence you've reviewed but worry about being able to prove it in court. There are more scientists with their hands out to do research for corporations than scientists who will dig into their own pockets to fund safety research."

Plague of Corruption, Chapter 4: The Fate of Those Who Fight the Darkness
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