Pentagon Turns To YouTube For A Boost In Recruitment

25 days ago

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*This transcript was generated by a third-party transcription software company, so please excuse any typos.

Pentagon recruiting with MrBeast. This is such a weird story. Okay. First of all, it begins with the fact nobody's signing up anymore. And the arguments are coming out, and I think they're gonna be picking up Israel, South Korea, Switzerland, Greece, Finland, and a dozen other countries have mandatory service. They say, you gotta come in for two years. You can specialize in whatever you're doing. If you're a computer guy, come on in. If you're, whatever it is, come on in and do that. But for two years, there's a mandatory service, and we're dropping to the point to where people are saying, what the hell? We can't, what are we gonna give people a trophy for enlisting? Like, a trophy for showing up and enlisting, what are you gonna do? But this article at least focuses on the Zoomers and say it's Generation Z who has no interest in anything having to do with military. Take it from there.
Yeah. So the Pentagon, as they've actually been doing for decades, it used to be just Hollywood. The Pentagon is gonna fund a movie like Top Gun is the best example. That was funded by the US military, and it made enlistment increase by hundreds of percentage points.
Oh, did it?
I think 500%.
It actually worked. Huh?
It did, yeah. And so now they're having to evolve. Right? Okay. Movies are not as big as they used to be. What's big? YouTubers. So they actually tried to get MrBeast, who is the most popular YouTuber on the planet, to do these things where he would have military equipment, military members hunt him down, he would be dropped off in an area and be given several hours to hide.
And he got away.
He did.
He actually got away.
But a lot of, and I will say to MrBeast,
They found him under a rock.
In a museum.
In a museum. Yeah.
But to his credit, MrBeast actually didn't do a lot of the things that they had hoped he would do. They had a lot of projects that fell through. So they used Guy Fieri from Food Network. Kelly Clarkson, as if that's where all the kids are going. That's so weird to me.
Yeah, me too. That was one of the weirdest. The Price Is Right. The Price Is Right. What the hell?
I guess if you have a kid who's sick at home watching Price Is Right.
Do kids watch Price Is Right? Is that a thing, man? How about America's Got Talent. We're gonna recruit there. So the point is, that's desperation, isn't it?
It is.
And they have a trillion dollars. Okay. They have a trillion dollars. They can it away with things like this. But don't you say, maybe we ought to give people, I don't think it's a negative, obviously if you have Israel, South Korea, Switzerland, Greece, Finland, and I like I said, a dozen other countries that say, look, this isn't a big deal. Enlist, we want you for two years. We're continue your education. You can do whatever you wanna do, but enlist and be part of the program. I think that's where this is gonna head. It's gonna have to at some point.
Which can be very scary, obviously.
Okay. Talk about the other side of that.
You know, if we do force everybody to have to sign up and join the military, that means obviously any conflict, which the United States loves to start those.
You'd be sent away.
You're gone. Like, you're gonna go and do this. So if we end up with another person, like a Bush, Cheney, whatever, we could be sending millions of kids off to die. Kids that are unprepared, kind of like what we saw with Vietnam.
You're saying Switzerland, Greece and Finland aren't warring nations.
They're not. We are a warring nation. We make money at war. Or the weapons industry makes big money in war. But you're saying Switzerland, you don't have to worry about that. Greece, don't worry, Finland, you're okay. But in the US your butt might be sent to who knows where, right?
Yeah. If I had to go join the Swiss military for two years, I would be pretty worry free. I think we're okay. But if I had to join the US military, obviously I'm suddenly glued to the news. Like, who are we off at? What's going on? Where am I gonna be next week?
But these are steps of desperation. The Price Is Right, America's Got Talent.

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