With John Guandolo & Linda Hansen

1 month ago

John Guandolo, Founder, UnderstandingtheThreat.com

John Guandolo and I discussed the real threats to the formal inauguration ceremonies that are planned for the 20th of January arising from assorted enemies within who are, whether you know it or not, at war with us and potentially could make that event a target for mass destruction.

We also talked about the penetration of our government by some of those same enemies and the need to protect communities and the country against their predations.

Linda Hansen, Founder & President of Prosperity 101

Linda Hansen and I spoke about the importance of employers teaching their employees about the fundamentals of our country and citizenship, what is entailed, and what are our blessings of liberty, especially in light of the dismal performance of government schools at every level, as well as universities in failing to do just that.

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