Educational Purposes Only..!

11 hours ago

Mark Zuckerberg privately warned Facebook execs about mRNA vaccines, stating, "We just don't know the long-term side effects of basically modifying people's DNA and RNA."

He then banned mRNA-vaccine-injury groups with hundreds of thousands of members.

We posted this in Real Time when it happened

Know Who The Real Enemies Are, Corruption And Criminalization’s At Its Highest And Finest..


🚨 #PayAttentionAndListen #IfYourMindProgrammedThisNotForYou #ThisTheInformationTheyDontWantUsToKnow #WeInAInformationalWarefareRightNow #WeInASpiritualWarefareRightNow #DontBeASheeple #DontLetThemDistractYouFromWhatsReallyHappening #WeStillInModernDaysSlavery #FuckTheSystem #FuckTheElites #TruthOverRich #FactsOfOurLifes 👁✊🏾👍🏾💯

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