Divine Invocation for Lightbody Activation with Paul White Gold Eagle #invocation #lightbody

4 hours ago

Paul White Gold Eagle
Divine Invocation for Lightbody Activation

Find a quiet space where you can focus without distractions. Sit comfortably with your spine straight and feet grounded. Close your eyes, take a deep breath, and center yourself in the present moment.


*"Beloved Source of All That Is,
I call upon the Infinite Light of the Divine to flow through me now.
I invite the presence of my Higher Self,
The Ascended Masters, Archangels, and Galactic Guides of Light,
To assist in the full activation of my Lightbody.

Through this sacred invocation, I open my heart,
To receive the highest frequencies of love, truth, and ascension.
I ask that all lower energies, distortions, and blockages be transmuted
By the Violet Flame and replaced with divine clarity and pure light.

Beloved Light of the Cosmos,
Awaken the crystalline codes within me.
Activate every cell of my being to vibrate in harmony
With the 5D and higher dimensions of unconditional love and unity.

I call upon the golden rays of Christ Consciousness,
The diamond rays of purity,
And the rainbow frequencies of transformation
To illuminate my energy field, anchoring my Lightbody fully in this now moment.

With gratitude and reverence, I affirm:
I am a radiant being of light.
I am aligned with my highest timeline.
I embody my divine essence and walk my path in service to the collective ascension.

So it is, and so it shall be."*


After the Invocation

Spend a few minutes in stillness, breathing deeply and visualizing your entire body surrounded by a luminous, crystalline light. Feel your vibration rising as the light integrates fully into your being.

You may choose to repeat this invocation regularly to deepen your connection to your Lightbody and accelerate your ascension process.


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