Nightmare Continues

1 month ago

Now Francis has named a woman, a nun as the Prefect of the Dicastery for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apolostic Life, Sister Simona Brambilla of the Consolata Missionaries. No woman has ever led a Dicastery in the history of the Catholic Church. It goes against Canon Law and the Bible, but Francis couldn't care less, Catholic teaching, Canon Law and even the Bible. Francis' actions themselves show that he is an infiltrator who is trying to destroy the Catholic Church.
In order to lead a dicastery, one must be ordained. Women cannot be ordained. This though is why Francis is trying to push women deacons upon us. Deacons are ordained, thus Francis would have "ordained" women and he could run wild making them heads of all sorts of Catholic Church functions. Francis is always plotting ways to wreck the Catholic Church. He never says what he is reallyu up to. He is a fraud and a liar bent on wrecking the Catholic Church.
Francis though obviously lost patience waiting for women deacons so he just made ther decision unilaterally. There is no mechanism in the Catholic Church, such as impeachment, to get rid of a Pope. If there are any faithful Cardinals though, and we know there are a few, they have to come together to get rid of this monster. Yes, God is in control, but no way Christ approves of one man attempting to destroy the Catholic Church. There is no doubt that he wants Sister Bambilla to start wrecking the wonderful orders of orthodox nuns whose orders are flourishing. Francis has got to be stopped, because his madness won't stop until he is stopped.

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