Prophecy Against My Illuminati Order Of Sin And Evil

1 month ago

Prophecy Against My Illuminati Order Of Sin And Evil

“I Am against you, O evil enemy of mankind, for I will put you in Hell forever! For you have grown to such astronomical proportions worldwide that I have taken notice, and will eliminate you worldwide, O evil Illuminati. For I Am the Living God, and I will root you out of all lands where you have implanted yourselves in an attempt to eliminate My humanity worldwide. For your works have been noticed, and all of your evil plans have been recorded by Me, O evil enemy, even Satan himself, whom you serve and worship in your vain attempt to eliminate My humanity and to place all souls in Hell. For I Am the Living God, and I say who stays and who goes, and all are in a waiting room before Me. I say who will serve Me, to be with Me for eternity, and I destine those to eternal salvation. For all are marked for damnation forever unless I call them unto repentance. For I Am the Living God of Israel, and no one can tell Me what to do, for I rule all! Your LORD has spoken, amen.”
“For I will stop America, and not you, O evil enemy, for I control all, says the Living God! America is a golden cup in My Hand, and I pour it on all whom I want destroyed, says the Living God of Hosts. For America is a golden cup full of My wrath, destined for destruction, says the Living God. For the daughter of Babylon is in My Hand, destined for damnation in Hell forever. For I pour it on whom I will, and I destroy whom I want, says the Living God, and My fury will accomplish what I will on all sinful empires of the world. Destined for greatness, it will be brought down to the depths of Hell, never to rise again. For I will destroy Babylon, and all peoples within her are simply along for the ride. For I will damn who I want, and save who I want, says the Living God, and you are one of My saved ones, says the LORD of Hosts. Prepare for greatness all who serve Me with a true heart of purity, for I know all who are Mine, and My saints shall rule with Me forever! Thus says the LORD God Almighty!”

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