Rec Pro Fridge wired to Flex 1500 power station. Easy peazy lemon squeazy

1 month ago

With a lot of longer trips this year I decided to upgrade my 28L fridge to a 3.3cf RecPro fridge. It took about 15 minutes and the fridge was up and running. Only thing that was easier was plugging it in my Flex 1500.

Rec Pro 3.3cf fridge

Cigarette Plug

I bought #9, my 2017 Pro Master cargo van in 2020 ,and started what would be a build of a lifetime for me turning it into a minimalist RV. I now travel part time with my husband James, my dog Lucy and occasionally a guest. I love getting outdoors and exploring this great country of ours and making videos along the way.

We travel not to escape life, but so that life doesn’t escape us. Anonymous

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