What is love according to the Bible?

1 month ago

Let's do it! 👇

With Valentine's Day right around the corner, everybody's got love on the brain 🥰 The world tells us to buy gifts, write cards, and plan romantic vacations, but how does the Bible say love is shown?

You may recognize 1 Corinthians 13 as the "Love Chapter" and it really does give some of the simplest and most meaningful ways we can show love! Notice that each of the characteristics listed are a picture of Jesus. If you replace the word "Love" with His name every time it shows up in this chapter, it will all still be true. He is our perfect example of what it looks like to love others!

But if you put your own name in those places, will it still be true every time? 😬 We'll be the first to admit, it's not. Jesus sets the bar high and we fall short every time.

💌 This simple exercise is a great way to check your heart and see where you need to ask the Lord to grow you. Want a free printable copy you can fill out and keep in your Bible? Comment "Love" and we'll send it to you!

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