Meteoric Mayhem - Budget Direct. = Apophis 99942. = 13.4.2029.

28 days ago

Great visuals by a Global Elite who know all too well what's coming.

Budget Direct u tube channel.

Ad is being flogged on multiple free to air tv channels daily.

We have ALL been Warned.
By our Australian Government.
Knowing Filmed in Melbourne. 2009.
Movie 65. 2023. Sponsored by the Federal Government in Canberra.

Great Tribulation is the 21 Events of the Book of Revelation.

7 Seals.
7 Trumpets. Space weather related. Will be called climate change.
7 Vials. Space weather related. Wil be called climate change.

Hence Agenda 21 program. Rio Earth Summit launch 1990's.

21 Events of Revelation divided by Gregorian Calander 42 Months
(Great Tribulation) = one event every 60 Days.

60 Days = 8 Weeks 4 Days.

Within a 61 day period for world time zones.

The Man of Sin. Barack Hussein Obama born 8.4.61.

Asteroid rests on the car and the house at Number 8.

Revelation chapter 8 is where you read about the Trumpet judgments.

Trumpet 1 - 3 = Wormwood. = Apophis 99942. 13.4.2029.

Wake up now!

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