Dr. Thomas Seyfried Advocates for Metabolic Therapy in Cancer Management

1 month ago

FULL: https://rumble.com/v61stoh-the-cancer-expert-this-common-food-is-making-cancer-worse-the-diary-of-a-ce.html?mref=1bxo9j&mc=69gy3

In his appearance on "The Diary of a CEO" podcast, Dr. Thomas Seyfried, a professor at Boston College, challenges conventional views on cancer by presenting it as a metabolic disease rather than a genetic one.

He emphasizes that cancer arises from metabolic dysfunctions in the mitochondria, often influenced by lifestyle factors such as diet and inflammation. Dr. Seyfried critiques standard cancer treatments for their limitations and introduces metabolic therapy as a non-toxic alternative.

This approach involves depriving tumor cells of essential nutrients, particularly glucose and glutamine, to inhibit their survival and proliferation.
He also highlights the role of ketogenic diets in cancer management, suggesting that reducing carbohydrate intake can lower blood sugar levels, thereby starving cancer cells that rely on glucose.

This dietary strategy aims to create a metabolic environment unfavorable to cancer cell growth. Dr. Seyfried's insights advocate for a paradigm shift in cancer treatment, focusing on metabolic interventions to effectively combat the disease.

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