The Magna Carta, Part 1 (1959 Film) ~ by 𝕋𝕖𝕦𝕥𝕠𝕟𝕚𝕔 𝕂𝕟𝕚𝕘𝕙𝕥

7 hours ago

Ocr You. Just by the grace of God the King of England. Lot of Highland government and Aquitaine and count on joy to his archbishops have a spare room. Justice is forest of Chad of government office on then to a whole bailiff some faithful subject. Brigade. That he in the year twelve hundred fifteen a bargain was struck between an unwilling English king and is discontented Baron.

This is come to be known as Magna Carta or the Great Charter but to learn the meaning of Magna Carta we must go back to another milestone of English history as recorded in the great bio tapestry. Bio tapestry. Well BEEN nine hundred years ago. Stands alone as a visual record of was there during the Great Age of feudalism in the year attend sixty six Norman warriors from the north the friends and they did Saxon England. The Anglo Saxons was a defensive battle behind a wall of shields. Their weapon lands and the two handed acts opposing the Norman Bowman and the terrible charges of the Norman cavalry.
The Anglo Saxons were defeated the great battle of Hastings and for the next hundred years England was to be ruled by the Norman French. The first of the non unroll it was William the Conqueror. If any man no man out of man the Congo was then will we describe you. Know what. He was more fear and more powerful than old format kings of the land. Thank you. And Nando's Britain Mirjam day his sway their lives not being in the land that it was not he was. Wild beasts as though he were the fog that of wild beasts. He decreed that whosoever killed a stag or a buck was to be blind dates. It's. Dated a lamb into the Indian food was the Donna fallout idea. Country England. Already used to the just stayed to play the day that it was considered a disgrace to be called an Englishman. Yet no man dead complaint bought all our lay with the gang.

The William the Conqueror. He had the sides conquering the land and its people. Introduced a new form of feudalism into Britain. Anglo-Saxon Kings had how the England with loose reins but William took from possession of all the land. Now they distribute it to D.V.D. flat among those watery is who had fought with him at Hastings. Own land but the king is dead and veiled it by his favour and most will all that he will lose if they would keep their positions. Williams landholding barons had out of their vast States distributed land to their own vassals are followers Such was the ancient custom feudalism but William the Conqueror made his own rules. That's Roger of Wendover thirteenth century a star and continues. Now at length the king sent to his men all over England to ascertain what plan he persisted that in and how much revenue. The sway him to create that a great set of A

They made its purpose to tax not only his barons but as bearings baffles Williams nobles objected to the survey called the Doomsday Book. They expected to render military service to the king in exchange for their estates. This was a time honored futile custom but with a doomsday survey Williams set aside and equal a time honored custom feudalism the rights of the local lot to tax his own tenants that the king would be a no complaint. And he extorted from his subjects many marks of gold. He was fallen into covetousness and green. With on. Whether he had become greedy or not. William the Conqueror. Had created in the crown a powerful central government. Subjects both French and you know that I. Have grown. And read the first promised much and his carnation charter but the nobles who placed him upon the throne. Got more than they bargained for. In the past the king's tax collectors had Roman numerals for computing taxes due and with Roman numerals even simple arithmetic is difficult. And raise introduced the Exchequer the word Exchequer guns from the checkered cloth covering the accounting table like the abacus the Exchequer table as a kind of primitive adding machine and raise bands did not approve of it. In times past.

Crown monies have been collected regularly. For instance aids were collected to meet a king's ransom. Under Henry However these aides were turned into a permanent sauce of revenue thus Henry's barons saw another important futile write you so by a powerful king. When Henry was dead. Stephen his nephew now tempted God and seized the crowd of the kingdom. Where the people of England the reign of Stephen was a tragic time. Dissension and civil war. I cannot know not a love story like dude up on the record people live the land during the Steve in the room. That was open late that Christ and His. Live this choice before England seem to be lawless chaos or a cane with absolute power over all men. There was great. Tranquility in England for the love which the people felt in reply. To solve. But this great tranquillity did not last long under Henry the seconds room to replenish the royal treasury Henry must find new ways to raise money. He. Sent Royal judges throughout the land to hold caught and administer justice. ...

September 20th, 2024

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