Zionist Communist Bolshevik Labour UK

1 month ago

Did you know the Holocaust is the only historic event that's compulsory in the UK history curriculum? Charles Malet discussed this and the potential implications of the Holocaust Memorial Bill on UK Column News.


Tory, Labour, etc it doesn't matter, they are ALL cucks to the satanic Talmudic Jewish parasites... communists, satanists, pedophiles, same Bolshevik playbook....destruction of private businesses, destruction of private ownership, genocide and famine, fascism, organ harvesting, satanic ritual abuse, sexual depravity, I can go on and on.

The "Holocaust" was a HOAX, Nazis were Zionists Ashkenazi Khazars, aka Bolsheviks. The Nazis loved their concentration camps just as the Bolsheviks did with their "Gulags", just like the Neocons in Washington DC and their FEMA Camps that were intended for us, just like the Khazarian Zionist Nazis in Israel with their largest ever concentration camp called Gaza.

The evil will soon be wiped off the face of the planet.


God Wins!

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