Messiah's Mighty Men - Ep9 - Yeshua Brings Life to Scattered Israel

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Picking up in Matthew 9, we witness various healings that Yeshua performed; a twelve year old girl resurrected, a woman having an issue of blood for twelve years, two blind men receiving their sight. One major point, which is often missed in this passage is, these particular healings have prophetic significance regarding the Nation of Israel in the first century and parallel the Nation of Israel today. Discover the prophetic significance of these healings and how they relate to Israel at the end of this age and the destiny of the human race as a whole.

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#Mighty Men #BibleStudy #Faith #Yeshua #Disciples #Ezekiel #Valley of dry bones #Wineskin #144,000 #Remnant of Israel #Assembly of Messiah #Tent of David #Jairus #Healing #Deliverance #Two blind men #Issue of blood #Resurrection

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