ODB#42 - The Wolf Is At The Door, Church! ⛪

1 month ago

Always test the spirit behind every prophetic message by seeking the Lord in prayer for confirmation in the Spirit and in the Word.

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Love and blessings in Yeshua!
Brad Gustafson
Email: ourdailybrad77@gmail.com
Youtube & Instagram: @bradgustafson77
FB: Brad Gustafson (@bradgustafson77)

#ourdailybrad, #wordofthelord, #prophetic, #propheticword, #arise, #canada, #riseup, #awake, #heavenonearth, #spiritandtruth, #kingdom,#kingdomofgod, #glory, #restoration, #revival, #jesusislord, #holyspirit, #revival, #reformation, #transform, #give, #gospel, #obeygod, #firstnations, #forgive, #unity, #love, #shaking, #awakening, #wolf, #church, #wakeup, #wolfinsheepsclothing, #octopus, #Jezebel, #leviathan, #laodicea, #lukewarm,

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